Issue - decisions


16/06/2022 - Minutes

The minutes of the meeting held on 5 April 2022 were amended as follows:-


7/22 Oxfordshire County Council and Cherwell District Council Section 113 Agreement


The minute to record the rebuttal made by Cllr Corkin to the statement by Cllr Leffman that Cherwell District Council had decided to cease the Section 113 agreement.


19/22 Questions with Notice from Members of the Council


In relation to question 2 (Cllr Eddie Reeves to Cllr Liz Leffman) Cllr Leffman reiterated that the 4 complaints against the Cabinet member for Highways Management were all on the same issue which had been resolved


In relation to question 12 (Cllr Stefan Gawrysiak to Cllr Calum Miller), Cllr Miller said that officers were in the process of providing a full overview of the assets of the County Council and undertook to provide a further written answer on the plans for the repair of various council properties once this review is completed later this year


and signed as a correct record.