Issue - decisions

Report of the Cabinet

12/09/2019 - Report of the Cabinet

 Council received the report of the Cabinet.


In relation to paragraph 1 of the report (Business Management & Monitoring Report) (Question from Councillor Leffman to Councillor Bartholomew and Heathcoat) Councillor Bartholomew gave an undertaking that the Business Management & Monitoring Report format would be looked at with a view to refining and developing the report and providing a ‘key highlights’ or a ‘summary of changes’  in the report.


In relation to paragraph 8 of the report (Bus Access to Queen Street, Oxford) (Question from Councillor Johnston to Councillor Constance) Councillor Constance gave an assurance that there would be no further applications to reduce the number of buses in Queen Street.


In relation to paragraph 8 of the report (Bus Access to Queen Street, Oxford) (Question from Councillor Roz Smith to Councillor Constance) Councillor Constance gave an assurance to bring the state of the paving (including uneven slabs and poor patching) in front of the Westgate entrance to officers’ attention for action.


In relation to paragraph 9 of the report (Provisional Revenue Outturn Report) (Question from Councillor Roberts to Councillor Bartholomew/Constance) Councillor Constance gave an undertaking to provide a written answer detailing in relation to the on/off street parking surplus, which projects had been identified for the spending of the surplus.