Issue - decisions

Submission of Expression of Interest to the Housing Infrastructure Fund

20/09/2017 - Submission of Expression of Interest to the Housing Infrastructure Fund

Recommendations agreed subject to the following addition to recommendation (d) shown in bold below:


The Cabinet RESOLVED to:

(a)          Agree to the submission of an Expression of Interest to the Housing Infrastructure Fund


(b)          Agree to the process set out above for the assessment of viability of schemes and for their subsequent prioritisation


(c)          Note the current candidate scheme packages and current draft assessments


(d)          Delegate to the Strategic Director for Communities, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and the Cabinet Member for Environment, and taking into account the view of the Growth Board, the final viability and prioritisation assessment and the detail of the bid submission including the detail of projects to be included within each scheme. This should be based upon further thorough evaluation of the robustness of governance arrangements and levels of assurance on deliverability.


Councillor Hudspeth undertook to keep Political Group Leaders informed of discussions as matters progressed.



