Issue - decisions

Chill Out Fund 2013/14 - February 2014

20/02/2014 - Chill Out Fund 2013/14 - February 2014

The Cabinet Member made the following awards (amount awarded in brackets):


  • NCS - ‘Graduate & Leadership Programme’ project (£2,000)
  • Barton Community Association – ‘After Schools Arts & Crafts Club’ project (£1,500)
  • Oxfordshire Play Association – ‘Oxfordshire Playday 2014’ project (£2,000)
  • Oxfordshire Playbus – ‘Oxfordshire Youth Bus Project’ and ‘Bicester Youth Bus Project’ (combined) (£2,000)
  • St Jericho Community Association – ‘Jericho Detached Pilot Association’ project (£583.71)
  • Body Politic – ‘A ‘Can Do’ Attitude’ project (£2000)
  • The Lets Play Project – ‘Let’s Chill!’ project (£2000)
  • Littlemore Village Hall – ‘Littlemore Youth’ project (£699)
  • TTC: Thame Children’s Choir – ‘Termly costs for choir’ (£224)
  • The Hill Youth & Community Centre – ‘Hill Activity Sessions’ (£926.29)
  • Didcot Devils Basketball Club – ‘Developing Young Basketball Players’ (£750)
  • The Musical Youth Company – ‘Lighting and Sound Equipment’ (£1,100)
  • BYHP – ‘Look to the Future February’ (£1,100)
  • Pegasus Theatre – ‘MESH 2014 – Oxford International Youth Arts Festival’ (£350)
  • Didcot Train – ‘Go Karting and Paintballing’ (£1,035)
  • Eynsham Youth Club – ‘The Relaunch’ (£1,500)
  • Witney Town Council  - ‘Fieldmere Recreation Ground’ – (£2,000)