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Audit & Governance Committee
Charlotte Coxe Trust Committee
County Council
Delegated Decisions by Cabinet
Delegated Decisions by Cabinet
Delegated Decisions by Cabinet
Delegated Decisions by Cabinet
Delegated Decisions by Cabinet
Delegated Decisions by Cabinet
Delegated Decisions by Cabinet
Delegated Decisions by Cabinet
Delegated Decisions by Deputy
Delegated Decisions by Leader
Education and Young People Ove
Future Oxfordshire Partnership
Health Improvement Partnership
Horton Joint Health Overview &
Local Pension Board
Members' Advisory Panel
Oxfordshire Health & Wellbeing
Oxfordshire Joint Health Overv
Oxfordshire Standing Advisory
Pension Fund Committee
People Overview & Scrutiny Com
Performance & Corporate Servic
Place Overview & Scrutiny Comm
Planning & Regulation Committe
Remuneration (Appointments) Su
Remuneration Committee
Shareholder Committee (Cabinet
Thames Valley Fire Control Joi
Thames Valley Police and Crime
No statistics are available for this committee in the period 11/06/2024 to 04/12/2024.