Agenda item

Improved Member Engagement and Streamlined Governance - Governance Review Further Details

Cabinet Member: Leader

Forward Plan Ref: 2013/026

Contact: Peter Clark, County Solicitor & Monitoring Officer; Tel: (01865) 323907/Alexandra Bailey, Research and Major Programmes Manager; Tel: (01865) 846384


Report by County Solicitor & Monitoring Officer and Research and Major Programmes Manager (CA 12).


A working group comprising members of the Strategy & Partnerships Committee have developed a number of proposals for the future development of governance and back bench member engagement following the May election. The proposals are based on feedback from members, research on other locality authority models and underpinned by a principle of less bureaucracy and more engagement in the context of reduced member and officer resources.


The following proposals were agreed to be recommended to Cabinet and Council in March and April respectively:


- Creation of  task and finish Cabinet Advisory Groups

- Creation of a standing Transport Advisory Panel

- Streamlining of the overview and scrutiny function from 6 committees to 3 (Performance,     

  Education and Health)

- Abolition of the Democracy & Organisation Committee with the re-alignment of its

  functions to Council, the Remuneration Committee and Audit & Governance committee

- Strengthening of engagement via Locality Working


This report sets out further detail on how these new arrangements will operate.


Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to comment on and endorse the proposals outlined prior to consideration by Council.   If supported, the Constitution will be updated accordingly, with changes coming into effect following the election.


A working group comprising members of the Strategy & Partnerships Committee have developed a number of proposals for the future development of governance and back bench member engagement following the May election. The proposals are based on feedback from members, research on other locality authority models and underpinned by a principle of less bureaucracy and more engagement in the context of reduced member and officer resources. Cabinet had before them a report that set out details of the proposed new arrangements.


Councillor Patrick welcomed the review and referred to the earlier in depth reviews and the need to find a way to work effectively and to enable Councillors to feel engaged. Councillor Patrick endorsed groups being proportional and welcomed Cabinet Advisory Group (CAG) and the Transport Advisory Group (TAG) as a way of influencing matters before the decision was taken. She also welcomed that the Chairman was to be the best person for the job. She was glad that the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee were to continue as it had been one of the most successful committees. She further welcomed the continuing locality agenda.


Councillor David Turner, who had been a member of the Working Group, confirmed that the report reflected the views of the Working Group. He had been concerned that a Cabinet Member would be Chairman of the Advisory Groups. However having seen it in action at Hertfordshire he was convinced that it could be a very productive process where all were heard. He was disappointed that it had been decided not to back opposition Chairmen of Scrutiny Committees and noted the “best person for the job” approach. This would be treated with some cynicism if the best person was always from the ruling group.


The Leader in moving the recommendations commented that like Councillor Turner he had had some concerns about the Advisory Groups being chaired by Cabinet Members but he was willing to stand by the advice of the working group. He gave an assurance that “the best person for the job” was in no way prescriptive and thanked Councillor Turner for his efforts and input on the working group. The Leader noted that this had been the first review covering the scrutiny arrangements since their introduction in 2001 and he felt it was important that they be reviewed in 12 months and annually thereafter. With fewer Councillors it was important to make best use of them and the review was about ensuring their engagement with on-going policy issues and development. He added that he was also keen on promoting the localities agenda.


Cabinet endorsed the proposals and supported the review in 12 months to monitor their effectiveness. Responding to concerns that adult services were no longer part of the remit of Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee the Leader advised that the Committee’s remit was unchanged. The Cabinet Member for Safer & Stronger Communities hoped that the areas for which she was responsible would not fall through the cracks.


RESOLVED:             to endorse the proposals outlined prior to consideration by Council. If supported, the Constitution will be updated accordingly, with changes coming into effect following the election.

Supporting documents: