Agenda item

Buckland Road and Bampton 7.5 Tonne Environmental Weight Limit

Forward Plan Ref: (2209/162)

Contact: Chris Lees, Traffic Technician (1235 466117) and Peter Ronald, Area TrafficEngineer (01235 466139)

10:05 am


Report by Head of Transport (TDC6)


The Committee considered (TDC6) responses received to a formal consultation on implementation of a 7.5 tonne environmental weight restriction.


Mr Howell tabled an amendment to his recommendation:


·                      Delete “not” in the original recommendation printed in the report TDC6;

·                      The following additional recommendation “to delegate authority to the Head of Transport in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport Implementation to make any minor amendments to the zone to include the two farms on Mount Owen Road, access by milk tankers and agricultural vehicles.”


He confirmed that the detail of the additional recommendation was regarded as minimal and would not require further consultation.


Mr Bowler clarified the definition of an agricultural vehicle and confirmed that the proposed exemption would not include grain carrying lorries. Exempt vehicles would be allowed into the zone in order to gain access for deliveries within the zone and entitled to leave by any route.  Enforcement would require a restricted vehicle to be followed through the zone from its point of entry to its point of exit.  It was likely that any reduction in the volume of heavy traffic in the zone would not be significant and in percentage terms could be expected to follow national guidelines of between 2 – 5 %.


Roger Howard spoke in support of a weight restriction and the revised recommendations. Measures to protect property and lives were long overdue.


Martyn Webb spoke in support of a weight restriction and referred to local support from the Parish Council and residents. He highlighted serious concerns for the safety of children, particularly in the area near the recreation ground.


James Vaughan-Fowler spoke in support of a weight restriction but recognising the needs of local businesses suggested that a permit system possibly operated through local businesses could be investigated.


Stephen Rayson spoke in support of a weight restriction and expressed concern regarding use of unsuitable roads and damage to property.


Simon Collins operated a farm in Weald, which was just outside the zone and called for exemptions for vehicles to travel through the zone in order to access properties situated outside the zone rather than requiring those vehicles to use longer alternative routes.


Bill Barnett also referred to the unsustainability of longer alternative routes and called for consideration to be given to vehicles such as grain lorries accessing local farms to be exempt.


Tony Richards (Watson Petroleum) advised that the company would be seriously affected by a restriction. Use of alternative routes on similarly unsuitable roads was impractical and unsustainable.


Mark Hinton stated that this proposal would greatly add to the burden of the farming industry, which was already in crisis.  Alternative routes would mean greater costs which would ultimately be reflected back in costs to the consumer.  He recognised the concerns of residents but felt the proposal was irresponsible.


Paul Lyons accepted there were concerns regarding road safety and environmental impact but there would also be an impact on local firms who were already affected by the current economic climate.  He supported a permit system possibly administered by the Parish Council.


Steven Radband suggested amendments to the limit of the zone and questioned the merits of an alternative route taking prohibited vehicles through Clanfield and near to 2 schools.


West Oxfordshire District Councillor Mark Booty accepted that whilst there would be an effect on local businesses that would be to a lesser degree than the current impact on residents.  There was a great deal of local support for the introduction of a weight limit.


Supporting the proposal for a weight limit Counciilor Melinda Tilley referred to the unsuitability of local roads.  She supported the recommendation as amended and possible introduction of a permit system.


Councillor Don Seale referred to overwhelming local support for a weight limit.  Congratulating the Parish Council on their involvement he welcomed the constructive amendments which had been made as a result of sound consultation on and discussion of the proposals.  He endorsed calls for further dialogue regarding possible introduction of a limited permit system and thanked both Cabinet Members for their involvement.


Mr Howell confirmed that the Order if introduced would be a permanent measure and that there could be further dialogue regarding introduction of a permit system.




(a)       to approve the proposed Traffic Order to implement a 7.5 tonne environmental weight restriction on Buckland Road and parts of Bampton;


(b)       delegate authority to the Head of Transport in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport Implementation to make any minor amendments to the zone to include the 2 farms on Mount Owen Road, milk tankers and agricultural vehicles.

Supporting documents: