Agenda item

Approval of Contract Award Decision for Property & Facilities Management Procurement of External Services Project

Cabinet Member: Finance & Property

Forward Plan Ref: 2011/031

Contact: Roger Dyson, Project Manager/Romina Peddis, Project Coordinator Tel: (01865) 815665/(01865) 815714


Report by Director of Environment & Economy and Assistant Chief executive and Chief Finance Officer (CA6E).


The information in this report is exempt in that it falls within the following prescribed category:


Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)





The Cabinet considered a report (CA6) concerning recommendations for the appointment of Preferred Bidder and award of the contract for the provision of property and facilities management works and services including construction, design, estates and facilities management services.  The report reminded members of the history and context leading up to the current position, including the Cabinet agreement on 6 February 2012 to the inclusion of both Food with Thought and Quest Cleaning & Facilities Service in the final tender. 


Councillor Jean Fooks, Opposition Deputy Leader recognised that the process leading to a final decision had been long and thorough and hoped that lessons had been learnt from previous procurement exercises.  She reminded members that the Liberal Democrat Group had not supported the Cabinet’s decision in February 2012 to include Food with Thought in the final tender, which she would revisit in her address in exempt session.  She was however pleased to note the requirements aiming to benefit the local economy.  


The Environment & Economy officers then gave part one of a presentation: ‘Property and Facilities (Services & Works) Contract Final Tender Briefing’ which included an overview & evaluation Summary, bid highlights, ICT, Operational Benefits, Affordability Analysis, and recommendation as set out in the report.  They confirmed that references provided by the bidders had been taken up, discussions undertaken and site visits made.  


The Cabinet RESOLVED that the public be excluded for the consideration of confidential Annex 1 since it was likely that if they were present during that Annex there would be disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended) and because its discussion in public might lead to the disclosure to members of the public present of information relating to the financial and business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information) as a result of discussions between Oxfordshire County Council and/or other local authorities and organisations and since it was considered that, in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighed the public interest in disclosing the information.


Following discussion (recorded separately in an exempt Minute) on the exempt Annex the Cabinet then resumed in open session. 


Members thanked all participating officers, unions and all concerned for their substantial and positive approach and work to reach this point, and staff in Food with Thought in particular for their dedication and work. 


RESOLVED:  (on a motion by Councillor Jim Couchman, duly seconded and carried unanimously) to award the contract for property and facilities management works and services to Participant A and authorise:


(a)                           the Director for Environment and Economy after discussion with the Cabinet Member for Finance and Property,  to approve minor amendments to the form of contract, and any subsidiary or related documents, prior to its execution which do not modify substantial aspects of the contract or the commercial agreement with Participant A as outlined in the report; and


(b)                           the Director for Environment and Economy to sign any subsidiary or related documents arising from the contract. 

Supporting documents: