Agenda item

Update on the Oxfordshire Winter Plan and Vaccinations

Update to be presented by Lily O’Connor and Dan Leveson.


The report and tables were introduced by Dan Leveson, Place Director for Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire Oxfordshire Berkshire West ICB, before he handed over to Lily O’Connor, Programme Director Urgent and Emergency Care for Oxfordshire, to go into the detail. It was reported that the dashboard provided the statistics for the performance overview. Members commented that:


·       It was great to see the performance against the targets. It would be good to see them against the national performance. The Committee were informed that the national context would be shown in the next version of the report, there was a comparative but no like for like context.

·       It was commented that it was cheaper to have someone at home then in hospital. The current cost of being in hospital was around £2000 and could be a lot more but it was not about the cost, more about the right thing and not just about putting people at home.

·       The definition of ‘homes’ was clarified as meaning ‘own bed’ at a residential home, nursing home, care home, hospital or own home.

·       It was important to raise that when there was reference to 105 people in inappropriate out of area inpatient beds refers to bed days so that would be maybe four or five people.

·       Good progress was being made.

·       A request was that urgent care centres be added to the next version of the dashboard. The Officer commented that data had only been received for two of the three urgent care centres, so data was incomplete hence had not been involved. It would be developed further going forward.

·       It was highlighted that the situation was improving and reducing year on year if the middle of winter was compared for primary, secondary, and acute care which was an encouraging place to be. The Team was thanked by the Board.


The Corporate Director of Public Health and Community Safety updated the Board infections and vaccinations. There was a current increase in respiratory infections and covid cases. In terms of vaccinations, across Oxfordshire, in all age groups, this was above average and doing well regionally. For the over 65s for flu vaccinations, it was over 80% and we currently were lagging for the under 65 age group. Further outreach work needed to be done with groups such as pregnant women, asylum seekers, people with learning difficulties and the elderly, which had been commissioned by the ICB. Oxfordshire was above average for 2–3-year-olds.


Caroline Green, Chief Executive of Oxford City Council asked if there was variation of uptake in different areas of Oxfordshire and was informed that the under 65’s had dropped and there was a lower uptake in areas of deprivation and within certain communities such as the Pakistani community and the BAME community. It was asked if there was an evaluation on how the vaccine champion schemes were being affective in the areas. It was reported that it was too early to evaluate this, but a significant piece of work was being evaluated on how we networked in the community. This would give useful insight to use for targeting vaccinations. Councillor Howson suggested targeting the under 65’s at the school gates where young mums could be reached. This could be investigated. The Chair thanked all for their updates.



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