To receive a system progress update led by Lily O’Connor, Director of Urgent Care, on the Integrated Care Programme with a specific focus on the metrics around outcomes as discussed at the June Committee Meeting.
The Chair introduced the item and made reference to the participation earlier in the meeting and the interest the committee had in the issue.
Lily O’Connor, Director of Urgent Care, gave an update on the Integrated Care Programme with a specific focus on the metrics around outcomes as discussed at the June Committee Meeting.
Members highlighted the following:
· The pausing of the Oxfordshire Way initiative and the impact on work already undertaken. In response it was confirmed that whilst work had been paused until October 2023 finance was available for digital initiatives and so work would continue on this. However work on Adult Social Care and Safeguarding would not be advanced at this stage.
· It was noted that meetings were ongoing with the Department of Health & Social Care and matters relating to the future of the project would be kept under review in the background with a view to progressing them.
· The use of technology and impact for customers. It was explained that the Virtual Ward initiative which involved partners such as GPs, Age UK and Adult Social Care working with clients on their care provision. In addition there were a number of contracts with Age UK to provide social prescribing in the community.
· The closure of beds and lack of consultation with HOSC. It was noted that urgent decisions had been made regarding the closure of some short stay beds.
· The change in culture and challenges this could present. The concern was acknowledged and it was confirmed that a co-ordinated approach was needed and challenge was very important in this regard and would be facilitated. It was agreed that this could be very staff intensive and provision was being made in this regard with a view to maximising resources across partners, reducing inefficiencies and providing training to allow staff to take on increased roles.
· The provision of home care, with community support, and whether this was always appropriate. It was acknowledged that the wishes of the client would be respected and appropriate provision put in place as needed.
· The strategic positioning of care beds and lack of consultation with HOSC in respect of closures. It was noted that some of the information was commercially sensitive and there was a need to address recruitment issues. It was noted that the overall number of beds had not decreased but consultation was needed.
· It was agreed that a glossary of terms should be developed to allow better public understanding of the language used.
The Chair summarised the debate and a number of recommendations were proposed and agreed.
1. Matters in respect of the Community Services Strategy continue to be looked at by the Integrated Improvement Programme Sub- Group;
2. That further work by the committee on the urgent care be not pursued in the short term but that there be an annual review by the committee;
3. That the temporarily closed services within the county including the midwifery led units at Wantage and Chipping Norton and the inpatient unit at Wantage Community Hospital:
a. be considered by the Committee at its next meeting alongside a completed substantial change toolkit form for the services; and
b. engagement and dialogue on the services with the Wantage Town Council Health Sub-Committee is continued by the relevant provider.
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