Report on views of health care gathered by Healthwatch Oxfordshire.
Rosalind Pearce, Chief Executive, Healthwatch Oxfordshire, introduced the report, giving apologies for Tracey Rees, Chair, who was not well.
She noted that Healthwatch were presenting a report to the Health and Wellbeing Board the following week on nine surveys they conducted related to COVID-19. It was AGREED to circulate that report to members of the Committee.
Healthwatch is talking with OCCG and other services on engagement around the impact of COVID-19 on primary and secondary services. They are particularly concerned about alternatives for those who cannot, or do not wish to, use digital options. They believe that the NHS should be considering what travel support they give to people who choose to take up referrals out of county.
With regard to referrals, she understood that the position was that GPs can refer, it’s just that for some services the only referrals available are out-of-county. She called on the hospitals and GPs to work together to solve these problems.
She supported earlier comments regarding the negative impact of banning visits to care homes on both patients and families. She believed that, given the measures taken on infection control and the prioritisation of testing for keyworkers, it should be possible to allow visits. She hoped that the Council would ensure that care homes complied with the advice on this.
Their feedback from heads of care homes was that one felt under pressure to take transfers from hospital and one said that they closed their doors to transfers. The Chairman urged her to pass on any information about care homes to the Director for Adult Services.
Healthwatch have heard that it is possible to access private dental health but not NHS services. They are taking this matter to the NHS Commissioner.
Healthwatch are recruiting two positions to work with the BAME communities and develop innovative methods of outreach.
City Councillor Nadine Bely-Summers asked about the difficulties being experienced by some Patient Participation Groups (PPGs) and the situation regarding BOB-ICS (Bucks, Oxon, Berks West Integrated Care System).
Rosalind Pearce reported that some PPGs are finding it difficult to re-engage with GPs and some are not functioning fully due to individuals isolating. This is also a challenge for Primary Care Networks (PCNs) who have a responsibility to engage more widely. Healthwatch is talking to OCCG to see how they can help and to PPGs about how they can support re-engagement with GPs.
District Councillor Jill Bull said that she was hearing reports of problems with dosetted medication. Rosalind Pearce responded that she had not heard of any problems but any information should be passed on to her. She was aware of problems with small pharmacies closing and was keeping that monitored.
Barbara Shaw called for support for PPGs to engage at PCN level. They no longer get support from the CCG and there is a legal obligation on PCNs to engage with the local communities.
Rosalind Pearce responded that Healthwatch have a resource to support PPGs and have been brokering meetings with practices. The picture varies across the county. PPGs in the north are working well together with their PCNs. Healthwatch will get out into the community again, taking all necessary precautions, but the fact that many organisations are only meeting virtually provides a challenge.
The Chairman thanked Rosalind Pearce for her report.
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