1.00 pm
The Committee have requested to receive an update on the impact of COVID-19 on Education and Oxfordshire Schools. Accordingly, Corporate Director of Children’s Services, Kevin Gordon and the Deputy Director for Education, Hayley Good will attend the meeting to give a verbal update on the current situation.
The Corporate Director of Children’s Services provided the Committee with an update on the Council’s approach to Covid 19 in relation to education and schools in Oxfordshire.
Members were informed that the service was providing good communications to schools and residents in line with Government guidelines. Messaging was being put out through a variety of channels; the Oxfordshire County Council website, media releases, social media, through District Council Members and Chief Executives and through Oxfordshire County Council Members and staff.
Reference was made to weekly telephone calls which were made to the 98 Head Teachers of schools. The critical role which Members had to play in terms of communicating to constituents was stressed, together with the feedback the service received from parents which suggested improvements.
Parents required reassurance to enable children to attend school. Members were informed that covid cases in schools were low, although some year groups had been sent home. There had been 20-25 covid cases within Oxfordshire schools, with no case to case transmissions.
Schools needed support and a national helpline had been introduced, staffed by Education and Public Health professionals offering advice and guidance
The Corporate Director of Children’s Services referred to the work carried out around school transport. Forty additional school bus routes had been introduced and a new code of practice for behaviour and health and safety had been implemented. There had also been further communication regarding the mandatory use of wearing facemasks when travelling on buses. Specialist support was also offered for mental health and well-being.
Oxfordshire Primary Schools were ahead of the national average in terms of attendance; although there were a few problems with Special Schools. Statistics for attendance were as follows:
· 90.6% attendance for State Schools (96% normal attendance)
· 85% attendance for those children who were classified as vulnerable, who had SEND plans, who had complex transport problems and underlying health problems
· 87.1% attendance for those children with a social worker.
The Committee was informed that Elective Home Education had increased. Parents’ preferences were appreciated under the present circumstances, however, it would be preferred if children were educated at school.
· Support received from the Department of Education consisted of grant of £500,000 which on current projections would be spent by December 2020. The next announcement on funding was awaited. The Chairman asked that local MPs be made aware of this.
· Reference was made to the Government announcement that children without access to IT and Broadband would receive equipment and officers were asked for the numbers in Oxfordshire. Members were informed that the roll out was going to schools where the equipment was distributed. The Corporate Director of Children’s Services said he would discuss with Head Teachers to assess if there was a gap in the provision of equipment. An option could be working with local businesses and charities to supply any shortfall. Reference was made to Business to Schools who may be able to support this initiative.
· In relation to the wearing of face masks to ensure the health and safety of children and other passengers on buses, Members were informed that there had been a social media and communications campaign asking parents and children about the importance of wearing a face covering on buses.
· At this stage there had been a small number of Covid cases in schools which had meant year groups had been sent home. On occasions this was found not to be necessary but was done as a precautionary measure.
· It was acknowledged that Head Teachers required support from OCC as the requirements for Covid were a difficult burden in addition to their usual responsibilities.
· Discussions took place daily with the DfE and reference was made to the cost of supply teachers for those teachers who were absent due to Covid. Financial support was needed for this.
RESOLVED – That the information reported be noted and the Committee placed on record, their appreciation and admiration of the work of the leaders and teachers at Oxfordshire’s schools during the Pandemic.