Agenda item

Proposed changes for health scrutiny



This paper (JHO9) outlines proposed changes to the health scrutiny arrangements in Oxfordshire for consideration by the Oxfordshire Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (HOSC). The changes seek to ensure health scrutiny is appropriate and effective according to the scale and geography concerned.



Councillor Jane Hanna asked the Committee not to delegate scrutiny powers to the regional level at this time.  She noted that this was the first HOSC meeting since Covid-19 had changed everything.  The proposal was to delegate 20% of business to the BOB level (Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Berkshire West) She added that the experience of the OX12 project had shown how critical local involvement was.


The Chairman responded that 20% was just an estimate of the amount of scrutiny business that might be carried out at the BOB level in response only to a statutory consultation.  He reminded the Committee that the OCC’s final decision on the BOB HOSC matter was for Full Council and this Committee was being asked to support the idea.


Councillor Laura Price proposed that the recommendation be amended to ensure that this Committee sees the Terms of Reference before they are finalised.  She noted that it was possible for Oxfordshire members of a BOB scrutiny committee to be outvoted.  She cited the example of a proposal on the PET CT scanners which benefitted Berks and Bucks but was a setback for Oxfordshire.


Councillor Alison Rooke noted that the BOB scrutiny committee would only meet when needed and asked who would decide that.  Currently the City and Districts are represented on this Oxfordshire Joint HOSC but she wondered would they not be concerned about being left out of the BOB level decision-making.


Glenn Watson, Principal Governance Officer, responded that the proposed BOB HOSC had a limited role as a mandatory joint committee.  It would only be needed when there was a consultation at the BOB level.  The proposals being drawn up were to be a basis to negotiate with the other HOSCs who will have their own views.  He was happy to draw up the Terms of Reference and bring them back to the Committee so that Members could see more detail before agreeing.


Dr Alan Cohen commented that there needed to be clear examples as to the kind of issues that would be dealt with at the BOB level.  Paragraph 26 a) could be interpreted as including all primary care but presumably it was mainly high-tech areas that would be envisaged.


Barbara Shaw asked if there should be lay representatives as there are on this Committee.  She also suggested that perhaps it should only meet when all of the constituent HOSCs were agreed.


The Chairman responded that it should be clear that primary care remains with the local HOSCs.  The only issue in recent years that covered the BOB area was the PET CT scanners.  He agreed that greater clarity was needed on the mechanism for calling meetings – perhaps a toolkit for the Chairs to use.


The Chairman proposed to have separate votes on the proposals for Horton HOSC and BOB HOSC.  Recommendations 3 a) and 4c) were agreed.


The following amended recommendations on BOB HOSC were adopted with one Member opposed:


3b) The introduction of a new Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee to scrutinise health issues which impact upon the entire Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West (BOB) area, subject to the Terms of Reference being agreed by Oxfordshire Joint HOSC. This new committee would not discharge the health scrutiny power of referral to the Secretary of State.


4d) Delegation to the Oxfordshire County Council Monitoring Officer and Director of Public Health, in consultation with the Chairman of Oxfordshire Joint HOSC, to formulate and finalise a Terms of Reference for a new BOB HOSC (in accordance with the principles outlined in this report) and for these to return to Oxfordshire Joint HOSC for agreement before being forwarded to Full Council.


The following amendment Recommendation 5e) was agreed:


The approval of the change to Horton HOSC and the BOB HOSC Terms of Reference by to Oxfordshire County Council by Full Council.


RESOLVED: to support


a)            A change to the scope of the Horton Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee to allow scrutiny of the development of a masterplan for the Horton General Hospital and pursuit of associated capital investment.


b)            The introduction of a new Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee to scrutinise health issues which impact upon the entire Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West (BOB) area, subject to the Terms of Reference being agreed by Oxfordshire Joint HOSC. This new committee would not discharge the health scrutiny power of referral to the Secretary of State.


c)            Delegation to the Oxfordshire County Council Monitoring Officer and Director of Public Health, in consultation with the Chairman of Oxfordshire Joint HOSC, to finalise the Terms of Reference for the Horton HOSC.


d)            Delegation to the Oxfordshire County Council Monitoring Officer and Director of Public Health, in consultation with the Chairman of Oxfordshire Joint HOSC, to formulate a Terms of Reference for a new BOB HOSC (in accordance with the principles outlined in this report) and for these to return to Oxfordshire Joint HOSC for agreement before being forwarded to Full Council.


e)            The approval of the change to Horton HOSC by Oxfordshire County Council by Full Council. 


Supporting documents: