This paper (JHO8) aims to provide the Oxfordshire Joint Health and Overview Scrutiny Committee with an update on:
· OX12 Project
· Merger of Horsefair Surgery and Banbury Health Centre
· Windrush Branch Surgery
· OCCG Annual Report
Julie Mabberley stated that residents of OX12 were disappointed that since the HOSC meeting in January nothing has been done to take account of their request that the report from the OX12 project be withdrawn or to progress the project to review the future of beds in Wantage Hospital. She recognised that the Covid-19 pandemic has meant that priorities have had to change but believed that if the in-patient facilities had been open it would have helped ease congestion at the acute hospitals.
The Committee needed to ensure that health and care needs in the area are provided locally and effectively using all local facilities including the Hospital, the Health Centre and the Day Care Centre going forward. The Horton has been given a local HOSC and she asked if OX12 could have the same.
The Chairman responded that the reason the Horton had its own HOSC was because the patient flow statistics showed that it serviced a significant number of residents from different local authority areas.
Councillor Jenny Hannaby stated that she didn’t understand the conclusion of the consultation process that Wantage can access excellent care facilities. Wantage is expanding and the local plan will bring more development.
She suggested that it was time for a new strategy on community hospitals, looking at them in a different way – perhaps with a community board working alongside. She hoped that the new CEO of Oxford Health would take a new approach to Wantage Hospital.
She was disappointed that the suggestion of using the hospital for Covid testing was not taken up. The beds need to be opened first and then look at the services that can be delivered.
The Chairman responded that the decisions on the location of test centres were taken nationally.
Councillor Jane Hanna speaking as a local member and member of the Task & Finish Group stated that Covid-19 had highlighted the importance of local communities. It was very disappointing for the community to see in the report that the OX12 work had been effectively dropped.
The community accepted that Covid-19 has changed everything but they are ready to engage with proposals going forward. They have had no response to their position that the OX12 report was not fit for purpose. She supported the recommendations of the Task and Finish Group and would welcome engagement on the way forward.
Dr James Kent, the new Chief Executive of the OCCG, introduced himself to the Committee and outlined his background and experience. Being new in the role he had yet to meet all of the stakeholders but he could see how Covid-19 had strengthened joint working across Oxfordshire.
Councillor Mark Cherry stated that he was taken aback at the suddenness of the announcement of the proposed closure of the Bradley Arcade branch surgery. He was well aware of the work being undertaken on the Ruscote ward by the Director for Public Health and the provision of new facilities but to lose an asset like this surgery was an intolerable retrograde step. He noted that the premises was owned by Cherwell District Council and asked if they could not ensure that the facilities such as ICT be brought up to the required standard.
Diane Hedges agreed that the way in which the proposed closure was communicated was not helpful. There will be a consultation process. Advertisements have been placed in the Banbury Guardian asking for views. There are questions around sustainability given the personnel available. The consultation will look at the whole picture including other services that operate from that branch.
District Councillor Paul Barrow, speaking on behalf of the Task and Finish Group, stated that the OX12 project needs to be the top priority of the non-Covid work. The Task Force has submitted recommendations. Previously it was minuted that the hospital should reopen by September 2020. The group realises that that is not feasible now but would recommend January 2021. If there isn’t further engagement then they will have to consider rejecting the report. They would like to see some early activity on the capital work, the return of maternity and physiotherapy by September and a response to their recommendations.
Diane Hedges emphasised that the work is paused not stopped. The Covid recovery period will mean a whole new range of work. There is no doubt that the local communities stepped up during the crisis. She noted though that the use of community hospital beds actually went down during that period as great efforts were made to get people home.
She agreed to come back with a revised timeline (ACTION). They will bring back maternity and physio services just as soon as the pipe work is done.
Councillor Alison Rooke asked when that work will be complete. She was concerned that the OX12 project might be taken up by BOB ICS and taken further from local people. The local expertise that worked hard on the project does not feel that their work has been appreciated.
Diane Hedges responded that the OX12 work was clearly place-based and will not be taken up at BOB level. She didn’t have a date for the return of services – everything will have to be considered under the Covid recovery programme.
Dr Alan Cohen said that it appeared that a new approach to Delayed Transfers of Care had emerged during the crisis and it might be useful to reengage with the Task and Finish Group on that. Diane Hedges agreed (ACTION).
Councillor Barrow moved the recommendations from the Task and Finish Group.
Dr Kent reiterated that they were in a Level 4 incident with Covid so it was hard to commit to timelines. However, he understood the urgency being expressed by the Committee.
RESOLVED: to accept the recommendations of the OX12 Task and Finish Group as follows:
1. The OX12 project re-starts by the 15th September with engagement from System Partners. The group accepts that this is subject to the continuing downward trajectory in the county Covid-19 cases. Although the Task & Finish group accepts the continuing need to focus on the Covid-19 response, OX12 must be a top priority for non-Covid project work.
2. That the engagement is characterized by enthusiasm, active involvement and real partnership involving all stakeholders. Immediately identified areas of work include:
a. Continue capital works to address Legionella in Wantage Hospital.
b. A planned return of maternity and physiotherapy services to Wantage Hospital by Sept 15th.
c. Fully addressing the recommendations and comments of the T&F group.
3. That the project should specifically address the following issues:
· How the plans for OX12 fit into a county-wide policy including all community hospitals
· How health care will dovetail with social care, which was advocated.
· How Primary Care Networks will work and what they will do (in some detail), for example increasing home care, the role of medical support staff etc as a result of the projected increased staff as a result of the BOB ICS.
· How the projected 35-36% population increase will affect health provision,
· How staff changes (likely shortage of GPs, nurses and lower paid staff salaries) affect the plan
· Whether funding issues exist in terms of any financial constraints on what is planned as the optimal situation for OX12.
4. The Committee takes the view that the Covid pandemic has put an interval in the timeline for the project but has not changed the substance of what was discussed and agreed at the JHSOC meeting. However, we note that at the last JHOSC meeting it is recorded in the minutes that the community hospital should fully re-open by September 2020. We suggest this date be postponed to January 1st 2021. In meantime the Task and Finish Group believes the Wantage Community Hospital is valuable to the response to Covid 19, Covid recovery and post Covid phases and this should be kept under active consideration.
5. That the JHOSC should consider that if the system partners are unable or unwilling to engage on this basis, it should consider:
a. That the interim report from the system partners is rejected.
b. Other recommendations which will be submitted by the T&F group to the October JHOSC meeting.
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