Agenda item

Oxford - Oxford Road, Littlemore - Proposed Humped Zebra Crossing and Traffic calming Measures

Forward Plan Ref: 2020/017

Contact: Hugh Potter, Group Manager – Area Operations Hub Tel: 07766 998704


Report by the Interim Director for Community Operations (CMDE5).


The report presents responses received to a statutory consultation to introduce a humped zebra crossing and traffic calming measures comprising a flat-topped road hump, speed cushion and raised over-run areas on the Oxford Road at Littlemore.


The Cabinet Member for the Environment is RECOMMENDED to approve withdrawing proposals for the introduction of a zebra crossing and to investigate alternative calming including consideration of suggestions made during consultation.






The Cabinet Member for Environment considered (CMDE5) responses received to a statutory consultation to introduce a humped zebra crossing and traffic calming measures comprising a flat-topped road hump, speed cushion and raised over-run areas on the Oxford Road at Littlemore.


Paul Lodge spoke on behalf of a group of 28 local residents, 26 of whom lived on Oxford Road itself and 2 on Dudgeon Drive, which adjoined Oxford Road,  all of whom strongly supported both elements of the recommendation and were eager to see some kind of traffic calming introduced. Many of those had campaigned for this for many years. However, they were also keen to stress their desire that particular attention be given to keeping to an absolute minimum the impact of any proposed scheme on the availability of parking for residents of Oxford Road.  Whilst members of the group differed over just which elements they would like to see in a future proposal, along with the desire to see the removal of the zebra crossing, this was a point of unanimous agreement. The members of the group would also like to highlight a number of other elements of the recommendation. Whilst the recent consultation had resulted in some support for the introduction of a zebra crossing, there were fewer submissions in favour than against, and crucially, the submissions from those objecting to the proposal were much longer and carefully considered, as well as being far more impassioned. Furthermore, many of those supporting the proposal, were not people who would be affected by loss of parking.     He concurred with the Parish Council in asking for the permanent introduction of flashing speed warnings to replace the ones removed. These had been introduced temporarily in 2019 to very good effect.


Mr Barrell undertook to revisit the site again with the parish Council adding that he had not been aware that the speed signs had gone. He confirmed that to a degree they had been effective and respected by drivers.


City Councillor John Tanner advised thatOxford Road in Littlemore suffered from heavy levels of traffic and he along with the people of Littlemore sought an assurance that the much needed and supported calming elements of the scheme will be put in place in this financial year 2020/21?   He had been delighted when development funding was made available to increase traffic calming in Oxford Road, which suffered from rat-running, speeding traffic and was difficult for pedestrians to cross. Once we emerged from lockdown he was sure Oxford Road would soon return to its high traffic levels.  The officer scheme as proposed had been well considered and had his support as one of the City councillors elected to represent Littlemore ward but he recognised that some had objected to the proposed position of the pedestrian crossing because it reduced the number of on-street car parking spaces. However, there was agreement among local residents and the Littlemore Parish Council for the introduction of the traffic calming elements of the County Council scheme, without the pedestrian crossing. This modified scheme would reduce the flow and the speed of traffic in Oxford Road for the benefit of all. He supported the officers’ recommendation but added that it was vital that there was no delay in implementing the traffic calming scheme and was concerned that the officer recommendation to ‘investigate alternative calming’ would lead to the urgent problems on Oxford Road, Littlemore, continuing for far too long.  He urged the Cabinet Member to approve the officer recommendation but on the understanding that the traffic calming work (minus the pedestrian crossing element) would be implemented within the current financial year.


Mr Barrell understood that site visits could resume and he anticipated meeting in a month to review measures with a further 4 – 6 months depending on the nature of the scheme to be pursued,  If that scheme involved traffic humps then that would require consultation.  Speed activated signs would be sooner as that was question of supply and he would enquire why they had been removed


County Councillor Gill Sanders noted that Littlemore Parish Council had supported the proposal but they had not mentioned that not all councillors were in agreement with them.  She supported the officer recommendation to withdraw the current proposals but to investigate alternative calming. Installation of a zebra crossing in the proposed location would have a huge impact on a large number of residents living on Oxford Road who would all lose the ability to park near their homes.  She knew of one household where the couple were elderly with one virtually disabled and losing the ability to park outside their house would be a huge blow for them. She also questioned whether it would be a good use of money as she had have never seen many people crossing Oxford Road at this point while there is a pinch point a few yards away where a speed cushion was proposed. Littlemore had huge traffic problems and extensive survey work was needed, not just on Oxford Road but throughout the division to see what it was possible to do to improve some quite dangerous traffic problems. She and her fellow City Councillor John Tanner and County Councillor John Sanders had met with county officers to look at traffic problems in the area but she was afraid that very little had been done at all.  What was desperately needed was a raised zebra crossing on Littlemore Road close to the junction with Bartholomew Road.  Many children crossed this road several times daily to access their primary school, Church Cowley St. James, on Bartholomew Road and many parents had raised concerns about the safety of children crossing this road over the years.  In addition this road had a 20 mile limit that was totally ignored. If the officer recommendation was agreed she very hoped that there would be a real survey of what was needed in Littlemore in order for the County Council to solve many of the problems. She confirmed that residents were keen to see the speed activated signs back in place.


The Cabinet Member advised that where crossings were required there was often alongside that requirement a need to relinquish and lose some parking provision. That was acceptable where a crossing was needed.  However, it seemed evident from the representations made that a crossing on Oxford Road did not best serve the interest of many people whereas that interest might be better served through provision on Littlemore Road.  She suggested to officers that be considered as part of a review, although no commitment could be given that that would happen. It had to be accepted that there would be a delay of possibly 6 months to investigate alternatives for traffic calming but that was unavoidable due to the need for consultation to be undertaken.  Therefore, having regard to the information set out in the report before her and the representations made to her at the meeting she confirmed her decision as follows:


to approve withdrawal of proposals for the introduction of a zebra crossing and  investigate alternative calming measures including consideration of suggestions made during consultation and although no firm commitment could be given at this stage the Cabinet Member asked that investigations also include consideration for provision of a pedestrian crossing on Littlemore Road and approved the replacement of solar powered vehicle activated speed signs.



Cabinet Member for Environment


Date of signing………………………………….

Supporting documents: