Agenda item

Wallingford: A4130 Wallingford Bypass - Proposed 40mph Speed Limit and Right Turn Prohibition

Forward Plan Ref: 2020/036

Contact: Hugh Potter, Group Manager – Area Operations Hub Tel: 07766 998704


Report by Interim Director for Community Operations (CMDE10).


The report presents responses received to a statutory consultation on a proposal to introduce a permanent 40mph speed limit on the A4130 Calvin Thomas Way (forming part of the Wallingford bypass) between its roundabout junctions at Slade End and the Hithercroft Road and a prohibition of the right turn to and from the A4130 at the junction of the access to new residential development to the east of the A4130 Calvin Thomas Way. The proposed speed limit and right turn prohibition will replace existing temporary Traffic Regulation Orders giving the same effect as the current proposals. It is however intended – once the development is completed in several years’ time - to remove both proposed restrictions when construction works are complete, though noting that a further consultation will be required ahead of these restrictions being revoked.


The proposals have been put forward to accommodate the development of adjacent land and, if approved, would be funded by the developers.


The Cabinet Member for the Environment is RECOMMENDED to approve the 40mph speed limit and prohibition of right turns as advertised.








The Cabinet Member for Environment considered (CMDE10) responses received to a statutory consultation to introduce a permanent 40mph speed limit on the A4130 Calvin Thomas Way, which formed part of the Wallingford bypass, between its roundabout junctions at Slade End and the Hithercroft Road and a prohibition of the right turn to and from the A4130 at the junction of the access to new residential development to the east of the A4130 Calvin Thomas Way. The proposed speed limit and right turn prohibition would replace existing temporary Traffic Regulation Orders giving the same effect as the current proposals. It was, however, intended, once the development was completed in several years’ time, to remove both proposed restrictions when construction works were complete, though noting that a further consultation would be required ahead of these restrictions being revoked. The proposals had been put forward to accommodate the development of adjacent land and, if approved, would be funded by the developers.


Councillor Giles Cattermole (Wallingford Town Council)opposed the imposition of speed limits on the A4130 Calvin Thomas Way, whether temporarily or permanently. The A4130 was a major trunk road and should, therefore, be subject to speed limits below the National Limit only where specifically justified. Calvin Thomas Way had been built to serve as a bypass to Wallingford and to ease traffic loads and pollution through the centre of the town which was an Air Quality Management Area particularly at the notorious choke points at Wantage Road, the Waitrose crossroads and over Wallingford Bridge.  It was over 50% longer than the direct route through the town centre and already had speed restrictions along 0.9 miles of Portway.  Further speed restrictions on the 1.05 miles of Calvin Thomas Way would significantly reduce the relative attractiveness of the bypass and lead to increased traffic choosing the town centre route.  Wallingford Town Council proposed instead:


1.   ‘No Right Turn’ instructions for traffic both entering and leaving the site [so that entering traffic comes from the Slade End Roundabout, and leaving traffic goes to the Hithercroft Roundabout],

2.    Adequate slipways both onto and off the southbound A4130 carriageway, to enable safe deceleration from and acceleration to trunk road speeds

3.    A lane separation barrier on the A4130 for 50 metres either side of the site entrance


Given these measures, no speed restrictions would be necessary.  The Town Council also considered that a permanent TRO for this site was inappropriate, given the temporary nature of the requirement and the site developer should be responsible for applying for Temporary TROs to cover the works for the entirety of the build programme.


In response to the suggestion from the Town Council officers responded to confirm that the scheme would not alter the current situation on the ground and that following completion of the development the speed limits would be removed. Also, it would be ultra vires for the County Council to seek provision of additional slipways onto and off the southbound carriageway of the A4130 and that officers from the Roads Agreement Team would be discussing with the developers their offer to provide additional signing in Wallingford to dissuade drivers from using alternative routes through the town.


Having regard to the information set out in the report before her along with the representations made to her at the meeting including officer advice the Cabinet Member confirmed her decision as follows:


to approve the 40mph speed limit and prohibition of right turns as advertised.




Cabinet Member for Environment


Date of signing…………………………..

Supporting documents: