Agenda item

Forward Plan and Committee Business



An opportunity to discuss and prioritise future topics for the Committee, potential approaches to its work and to discuss the schedule for future meetings.


Members considered the forward Programme of items and agreed items for the September and November Meetings as shown below (Changes shown in bold italics).



Agenda Item


Reasons and objective for item



Lead Member / Officer

17 June 2019 (previously 19 June)

Regional Schools Commissioner 

A question and answer session with the Regional Schools Commissioner Chairman

Chairman (Cllr Michael Waine)

New Schools Building Programme

To receive an update on the progress of the Programme and discuss emerging issues of delay.

Head of Access to Learning (Allyson Milward) / Cllr Lindsay-Gale

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Strategy

To receive a report about the implementation of Council’s SEND strategy

Head of SEND (Jayne Howarth)

Annual Academies in Oxfordshire Report

An update on academies’ status, issues and trends across Oxfordshire

Paper only. From Head of Access to Learning (Allyson Milward)


Post-16 results and EET data

A comprehensive report on post-16 results and destinations in Education Employment and Training


Head of School Improvement & Learning (Kim James)

Update on Northfield School post-Ofsted inspection work and progress

To receive an update on progress at Northfield School following its Ofsted inspection rating of Inadequate

Head of SEND (Jayne Howarth)




Fair Access Protocol

To support the direction of and to receive a report on the implementation of the revised Fair Access Protocol in advance of the next academic year. Recommendation from the Deep Dive on attendance.



Head of Learner Engagement (Deborah Bell)


4 September 2019

Post-Carillion Update on Schools Repair & Maintenance

A 6-month update following the one made in March 2019 to the Committee on prioritisation and delivery of repair and maintenance in schools following the collapse of Carillion.

Assistant Director Community Facilities Management (George Eleftheriou)

Reintegration Timetabling

To receive a report about the number of reintegration timetables being used at schools across Oxfordshire and any evidence in them being used as an alternative to exclusions. (Recommendation from the Performance Scrutiny Committee).

Head of Learner Engagement (Deborah Bell)

New academic year update on New Schools


To receive an update report on proposed and planned new schools in Oxfordshire.

Head of Access to Learning (Allyson Milward)

Alternative Provision Commissioning Strategy

To receive a brief on the development of the strategy and for Committee Members to have input prior to its implementation in November 2019.

Head of Learner Engagement (Deborah Bell)




To be scheduled

Home to School Transport Policy

Discussion around forming a working group to input into the formulation of the policy for mainstream schools.


Cllr John Howson

Educational Attainment


Recommendations from the committee working group on improving educational performance

John Howson / Head of School Improvement and Learning (Kim James)


Disparity in educational outcomes across Localities and closing the gap (vulnerable learners)

Profile of educational outcomes across Oxfordshire – sharing learning across the county and forming pathways to raising the attainment of vulnerable pupils (best practice), current provision of support, an overview of the profile of vulnerable learners.


To be scheduled for September or November Meeting

Demographic trends

Planning for school places and supporting families with English as an additional language



Schools funding formula

Potentially a task group reporting back to ESC


November Meeting

Children and Family Centres and Locality Community Support Services

To present the findings of the monitoring investigations undertaken by members of the Committee following on from the presentation in July 2018.


Cllr Michael Waine/Area Social Care Manager.


September Meeting if room.

Update on the impact of work on reducing exclusions

To present the impact / results of implementing the recommendations on exclusions from the committee working group.


Assistant Director for Education (David Clarke) / Head of Learner Engagement (Deborah Bell)

Learner Engagement Strategy


To present to the committee the new OCC strategy for learner engagement.

Assistant Director for Education (David Clarke) / Head of Learner Engagement (Deborah Bell)


Post 16 Home to School Transport (mainstream)

To discuss how the Committee might add value in looking into the issue of cost of post-16 transport to school.





Supporting documents: