Agenda item

Motion by Councillor Susanne Bartington

“This Council welcomes the proposals by the Government to ban plastic straw, plastic stirrers and plastic cotton bud; this along with the commitment on single use coffee cups and single use plastics shows the government’s commitment to reduce the use of plastics.


This Council asks that Cabinet comes forward with a realistic timetable to stop using plastic straw, plastic stirrers, plastic cotton bud, non-recyclable cups and single use plastics by the Autumn.


This Council asks that the Leader of the Council write to the Secretary of State for Environment congratulating him on his progressive proposals.”


With the Consent of Council, Councillor Bartington moved and Councillor Cherry seconded an alteration to her Motion as shown in bold italics/strikethrough below:


Therate ofglobal plasticproductionhas increasedinrecent yearswithanestimated 8-12milliontonnesofplastic enteringtheworld'soceanseachyear.  Plasticproductionandpollutiononthisscale isunsustainable andharmfultoour planet,healthandwildlife.


"This Councilwelcomes theproposals bytheGovernmentplans toreducewaste fromsingleuseplastics(SUP’S)including_atoban onthe saleofplasticstrawsplasticstirrers andplastic-Stemmedcotton budsand consultationfor extension ofthe 5p plasticbag·chargeandintroductionofa bottledeposit return scheme. Theseproposals, demonstratethe government's commitment· withinthe25-yearEnvironmentPlanto eliminating all avoidable reduce the use of plastic waste by 2042.


ThisCouncil asks resolves to worktowardseliminationofall avoidableplastic wasteand callsupon the that CabinetMemberforEnvironmenttobringcomes-forward proposalsby with arealistic timetableto stop'usingplastic straw,platicstirrers,  plasticcotton.bud,non recyclable cupsand singleuse plasticsby the Autumn2018 to:           ·


ThisCouncilasks·thattheLeaderoftheCouncil writeto the Secretaryof Statefor Environment congratulating himonhis p_rogressiveproposals:"


(i)Phase outtheuseofavoidableSUPsin allCounty Councilpremises.


(ii)·Workwithcontractedpartners toendpurchaseandprocurementofavoidableSUPsthrough theCouncilsupply chain._


(iii)lncentivisetraderson CountyCouncil sitesto avoidSUPs asa conditionoftheirevent permission.


With the consent of Council, Councillor Bob Johnson withdrew his motion.


Following debate, the motion as amended was put to the vote and was carried unanimously.


RESOLVED: (unanimously)


“The rateof global plasticproductionhas increasedin recent yearswith an estimated 8-12milliontonnesof plastic enteringtheworld'soceanseachyear.  Plasticproductionandpollutionon this scale isunsustainable andharmfultoour planet,healthandwildlife.


This Councilwelcomes Government plans toreducewaste fromsingleuse plastics (SUP’S) including_aban onthe saleof plastic strawsplasticstirrers andplastic-Stemmedcotton budsand consultationfor extension ofthe 5p plastic bag·chargeand introductionof a bottledeposit return scheme.  Theseproposals, demonstratethegovernment's commitment· withinthe 25-year EnvironmentPlan eliminating all avoidable plastic waste by 2042.


ThisCouncil resolvesto worktowardseliminationofall avoidableplastic wasteand callsuponthe Cabinet Memberfor Environmentto bring forwardproposalsbyAutumn 2018to:           ·


(i)Phase outthe use of avoidableSUPs inall CountyCouncilpremises.


(ii) ·Workwith contractedpartners toend purchaseandprocurementof avoidableSUPsthrough theCouncilsupply chain._


(iii) lncentivisetraders on CountyCouncil sitesto avoidSUPs asa conditionof their event permission.”