The outcome of the recent Ofsted and CQC joint local area inspection of special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) arrangements.
The Committee is RECOMMENDED consider the outcomes of the recent local area inspection and the County Council’s action plan to address areas for improvement in education.
The Committee had before it a report which outlined the outcome of the recent Ofsted and CQC joint local area inspection of Oxfordshire to judge the effectiveness of the area in implementing the disability and special educational needs reforms as set out in the Children’s and Families Act 2014.
Inspectors spoke with children and young people with disabilities and/or special educational needs, parents and carers, local authority and National Health Service (NHS) officers. They visited a range of providers and spoke to leaders, staff and governors about how they were implementing the special educational needs reforms. Inspectors looked at a range of information about the performance of the local area, including the local area’s self-evaluation. Inspectors met with leaders from the local area for health, social care and education. They reviewed performance data and evidence about the local offer and joint commissioning.
The report was published on December 4th and stated that the local area was required to produce and submit a written statement of action to Ofsted that explains how the local area will tackle the following areas of significant weakness: · the lack of clearly understood and effective lines of accountability for the implementation of the reforms · the quality and rigour of self-evaluation and monitoring and the limited effect it has had on driving and securing improvement · the quality of EHC plans · the timeliness of the completion of EHC plans · the high level of fixed-term exclusion of pupils in mainstream secondary schools who have special educational needs and social, emotional and mental health needs in particular.
low funding for high needs block at the same time as implementing reforms
- Why is Bucks
- Benchmarking data on level of funding per child? – yes
- Chairman to write to government about underfunding of high needs
- Report back to committee in June on progress with action plan
Supporting documents: