Agenda item

Questions from County Councillors

Any county councillor may, by giving notice to the Proper Officer by 9 am two working days before the meeting, ask a question on any matter in respect of the Cabinet Member’s delegated powers.


The number of questions which may be asked by any councillor at any one meeting is limited to two (or one question with notice and a supplementary question at the meeting) and the time for questions will be limited to 30 minutes in total. As with questions at Council, any questions which remain unanswered at the end of this item will receive a written response.


Questions submitted prior to the agenda being despatched are shown below and will be the subject of a response from the appropriate Cabinet Member or such other councillor or officer as is determined by the Cabinet Member, and shall not be the subject of further debate at this meeting. Questions received after the despatch of the agenda, but before the deadline, will be shown on the Schedule of Addenda circulated at the meeting, together with any written response which is available at that time.



Councillor John Howson


Will the Cabinet member review the refusal of the request from parents for a review of the cycle path on the Woodstock Road south of Polstead Road to St Margaret's Road that would improve the safety of children cycling to school and make the cycle path better for all users?”


Response by the Cabinet Member for Environment

“Council officers will review the feasibility of this measure including an exploration of suitable opportunities for funding its delivery. Officers will report back to the member on the outcomes of this process in due course. “


Supplementary Question

‘Parts of LTP4 could make current changes being programmed around the City Centre a waste of time. Should these monies not instead go to support cycling to benefit children going to school such as along Woodstock Road?’


Response by the Cabinet Member for the Environment (including Highways)

‘LTP4 sets out the Council’s long term plans for transport and is not necessarily fully funded at present. At the moment priority is being given to moving traffic around the City centre in relation to the Westgate development. There will however be a separate look at a range of routes situated outside the core of the City centre and Woodstock Road is on that list. OCC will then be in a position to bid for this at the right time.’


Councillor Roz Smith


“When will local councillors and residents receive the detailed time table and detailed design changes for the Access to Headington schemes?


Response by the Cabinet Member for Environment

“The scheme is deliberately being delivered in phases to manage the impact on this highly congested and sensitive part of the network. Delivery in phases also allows for management of the scheme’s budget and scope which has been deliberately set out to allow the council to deliver the most improvement for the available budget.


In order to present the schemes properly to those locally affected by the works and to promote a focus on the immediate work, we decided to hold exhibitions and update our website for the phases as they are delivered. Given the need to be reactive to demands on the network, the works embargo due to Westgate opening and the overall flexibility of the scope of the scheme, the works programme will be presented in the same way, outlining the individual packages as they are coming to construction.


We will upload the final designs for all phases to the council’s website so they are available to the public for their perusal, but will continue to promote as we have done in order to preserve the clarity of the information available for ‘live’ phases.

We are currently delivering Phase 2 which is The Slade, with Phase 3 to be the double mini-roundabouts near Marsh Lane and the junction with the JR hospital on Headley Way. Cllr Smith along with other councillors in the impacted wards, both city and county, have and will continue to be invited to monthly stakeholder meetings to be updated on progress of live and futures phases and are welcome to contact the project sponsor overseeing the delivery, Isaac Webb, or the contracts manager overseeing construction, Pat Mulvihill, at any time."


Supplementary Question

‘I have been advised that the 20mph consultation for 20mph limit on Windmill Road through Headington will take place following the election. When will this consultation start?


Response by Cabinet Member for the Environment (including Transport)

I am unable to give an exact date at present, but it is due to be published fairly soon as part of one consultation including other changes in Headley Way, Churchill Road and Roosevelt Drive. Officers are currently finalising the details.’


Councillor Jamila Azad

“I would like information regarding traffic calming and parking in my area. I would also like an update regarding a crossing on Morrell Avenue,”


Response by the Cabinet Member for Environment

“With regard to the request for a pedestrian crossing on Morrell Avenue, I understand that you raised this with my predecessor at his Decisions Meeting on 3rd April 2017. At that meeting I understand that he explained that there is no funding currently available that could be used to install a crossing on Morrell Avenue but that he would keep this under review – I am happy to continue that undertaking.”


Supplementary Question

‘Morrell Avenue, together with the side streets around Morrell Avenue, ie Shelley Road, Reliance Way etc need to be monitored for speeding, particularly so because.40 student flats are also due to be built on Reliance Way. A speedwatch is required.’


Response by Cabinet Member for the Environment (including Transport)

It is the function of the Police to carry out enforcement and it is very much in their hands and in their available resources, to carry out enforcement of a 20mph zone. I will ask my Officers to remind them of this priority.’


Councillor Judy Roberts

"Does the cabinet member agree that a safe bike route between Botley and Eynsham along the B4044 would enable school children from both areas safe cycle access to both secondary schools, Farmoor Reservoir nature reserve and Hill End Environment Centre?"



Response by the Cabinet Member for Environment

The B4044 Eynsham to Botley cycle path has long been promoted by Bike Safe

and the local community. The path would enable safer sustainable travel for many journeys including to secondary education and locations along the route such as Hill End and Farmoor Reservoir.


Bike Safe, with support from the county council, have developed a business case, however funding the path has always been the critical issue to delivery. As yet full

funding for the scheme has not been identified, however Local Plan housing and employment growth along the route, such as at Eynsham, may provide a significant opportunity to secure the necessary funds for delivery.