Agenda item

Director of Public Health Annual Report 2016/17

Cabinet Member: Public Health & Education

Forward Plan Ref: 2017/063

Contact: Alan Rouse, Business & Planning Manager Tel: 07785 744846


Report by StrategicDirector forPeople &Director ofPublic Health (CA8).


The annual report summarises key issues associated with the Public Health of the County. It uses science and fact to describe the health of Oxfordshire and to make recommendations for the future. 


It is an independent report for all organisations and individuals.


The report covers the following areas:


Chapter 1: The Demographic Challenge

Chapter 2: Building Healthy Communities

Chapter 3: Breaking the Cycle of Disadvantage

Chapter 4: Lifestyles and Preventing Disease Before it Starts

Chapter 5: Mental Health

Chapter 6: Fighting Killer Diseases


The report has also been considered at the Oxfordshire Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee meeting on 14 September 2017.


Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to RECOMMEND Council to receive the report and note its recommendations.


Cabinet considered the Director of Public Health Annual Report which summarised key issues associated with the Public Health of the County. It included details of progress over the past year as well as information on future work. Cabinet also had before them the comments of the Joint Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee at its meeting on 14 September 2017


The report covered the following areas: the Demographic Challenge; Building Healthy Communities; Breaking the Cycle of Disadvantage; Lifestyles and Preventing Disease Before it Starts; Mental Health and Fighting Killer Diseases.


Councillor Pressel, member of the Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee hoped that Cabinet had been able to read the comments of that Committee and would consider the recommendations. She highlighted the importance of assessing the impact on health of council policies, referring to her earlier question. She also queried the lack of progress in terms of lifting Northfield Brook and Rose Hill & Iffley out of the 10% of most disadvantaged areas in the country. Councillor Hudspeth responding to the comments noted that access to good quality housing was a key issue in relation to disadvantage.


Councillor Emma Turnbull, Shadow Cabinet Member for Education, welcomed the Section on children’s mental health. She believed that the figures were likely to underestimate demand. The level of new referrals was not a bad thing as it indicated a recognition of the issues but it did present a challenge to the new model. She highlighted that waiting lists were too long with delays in the initial appointments. She would have liked to have seen something in the report about prevention of problms by building resilience and hoped this would receive attention. It was an issue that needed to be monitored and felt that it would benefit from inclusion in the Corporate Plan. She referred to the underspend in Public Health and hoped that resources would be made available to support the issue.


Councillor Hibbert-Biles, Cabinet Member for Public Health & Education responded to the points made, highlighting that it was an independent report produced by the Director of Public Health. It was based on facts and within it he was only able to focus on the biggest issues. However he listened carefully to all the recommendations and comment. In this latest report Councillor Hibbert Biles saw an emphasis on individual responsibility for health. Prevention was a thread throughout the whole report.


During discussion Cabinet highlighted a number of aspects within the report including:

·         The welcome contribution made by School Nurses in identifying and referring children with mental health issues. The increase in referrals was to be welcomed although it was recognised that this did place a pressure on services.

·         The issue of loneliness and isolation and the impact this had on good health.

·         The need to continue to reduce greenhouse emissions. Cabinet noted that in terms of its own buildings and activities there had been an 11% reduction over the last year and the Council would continue to actively address this issue.


RESOLVED:  to RECOMMEND Council to receive the report and note its

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