Agenda item

Proposed 20mph Speed Limit , Traffic Calming Measures, Zebra Crossing and Weight Limit- Littleworth Road, Benson

Forward Plan Ref: 2016/134

Contact: David Tole, Traffic Safety & Area Steward Manager Tel: 07920 084148


Report by I Director for Infrastructure Delivery (CMDE7).


The report presents objections and comments received in the course of a statutory consultation on proposals to introduce a 20mph speed limit, supporting traffic calming measures, zebra crossings and a 7.5 tonne weight limit on Littleworth Road at Benson.


The Cabinet Member for the Environment is RECOMMENDED to approve the implementation of proposals as advertised.










The Cabinet Member for Environment considered objections and comments received in the course of a statutory consultation on proposals to introduce a 20mph speed limit, supporting traffic calming measures, zebra crossings and a 7.5 tonne weight limit on Littleworth Road at Benson.


Speaking on behalf of the Benson Neighbourhood Plan Infrastructure Team and Parish Council David Rushton referred to substantial growth and development planned both locally and for Chalgrove all of which would have significant long term implications for the area.  These issues had not yet been fully assessed and, bearing in mind the significant impacts on traffic levels from this proposed growth, it seemed premature, therefore, at this stage to pursue proposals for speed and weight limits.  Proposals for growth and changes to the road infrastructure including a new ‘Edge’ road formed a vital element in taking these discussions forward and these needed to be firmed up before anything was finalised.  As there had been no direct discussion with the Highway Authority it seemed sensible to defer until that had been done.


Councillor Mark Gray endorsed the comments made by Mr Rushton on behalf of the very experienced Infrastructure team. It was imperative that proposals were drawn up which addressed real local concerns regarding the effects of planned growth and development and how traffic, particularly HGVs, would be managed and so he supported calls to defer these proposals to enable further discussions.


Mr Tole recognised that if proposals for development locally and more significantly perhaps for Chalgrove went ahead they would impact on this area. However, those matters were outside the scope of this report and the proposals currently before the Cabinet Member had been drawn up in response to current free standing development approved on the north east side of Littleworth Road. He confirmed that any approved traffic calming and weight restrictions could be removed if there were significant changes in the future as a result of further major development and while it was accepted that there could be some diversion of traffic away from Littleworth Road these proposals were aimed at managing that and in any event diverted traffic was not expected to make a significant difference.


Responding to a question from the Cabinet Member for Environment Mr Tole confirmed that the development off Littleworth Road had started but was some way off completion and although it was not conducive for this to drag on that provided an opportunity for further discussion in order to achieve some common ground and clarity and it would also be of no benefit to approve part of the scheme such as the crossings. Therefore a deferral for further discussion was manageable.


The Cabinet Member for Environment recognised that the proposal before him was predicated by S278 developer funding from an adjacent permission and therefore dealt with the certainty of current proposals and not what might happen. However, it was obvious there was local concern and having regard to the information before him and the representations made to him which had indicated an opportunity for further discussion he confirmed his decision as follows:


to defer consideration of the proposed 20 mph speed limit, traffic calming measures, zebra crossings and weight limit on Littleworth Road, Benson to a future meeting to enable further discussion.




Cabinet Member for Environment


Date of signing……………………





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