Agenda item

Questions from County Councillors

Any county councillor may, by giving notice to the Proper Officer by 9 am two working days before the meeting, ask a question on any matter in respect of the Cabinet’s delegated powers.


The number of questions which may be asked by any councillor at any one meeting is limited to two (or one question with notice and a supplementary question at the meeting) and the time for questions will be limited to 30 minutes in total. As with questions at Council, any questions which remain unanswered at the end of this item will receive a written response.


Questions submitted prior to the agenda being despatched are shown below and will be the subject of a response from the appropriate Cabinet Member or such other councillor or officer as is determined by the Cabinet Member, and shall not be the subject of further debate at this meeting. Questions received after the despatch of the agenda, but before the deadline, will be shown on the Schedule of Addenda circulated at the meeting, together with any written response which is available at that time.


Councillor Bartholomew to Councillor Nimmo Smith


“Various Berkshire councils and enterprise groups have been campaigning vigorously in recent years for a new Thames crossing known as the 'Third Reading Bridge'. It is likely this bridge would link the end of the A329(M) in Berkshire to Playhatch in Oxfordshire. The enthusiasm of the scheme promoters is not shared by many Oxfordshire residents who are concerned about the large amount of extra traffic that would be deposited on to already congested rural roads. Historically, both OCC and SODC have shared residents' concerns, but both councils recently agreed to contribute to a traffic modelling study in order to remain part of the process. I have learnt that this study has now been named 'Strategic Outline Business Case', which worryingly seems to indicate that all parties are supporters of the proposal. I would be grateful if the Cabinet Member could confirm the costs involved in the study and provide reassurance that any resultant proposals will be challenged to ensure they best meet the needs of Oxfordshire residents.”


Cabinet Member for Environment


“The term Strategic Outline Business Case is the technical terminology of an in depth traffic modelling assessment for a specific transport scheme  – it is neutral in its approach and can come to a negative as well as positive conclusion and will also need to consider wider impacts beyond direct traffic impact and mitigation including potential environment, economic and social impacts.


The County Council has agreed to support the study to finally provide detailed analysis of the impacts of a third Thames crossing scheme. It has been made clear to the other partners in this piece of work, that the council, by helping to fund this work, is not inherently supporting the scheme and will await the results of this work before taking a position on whether to support a full business case submission for funding, this decision process will also involve further consultation with the communities a scheme may impact upon.


Oxfordshire is contributing £20,000 towards the modelling work.  Beyond the Third Thames Crossing assessment work, the council will also benefit more generally as the new transport model that is being developed, will be available to Oxfordshire Councils for their own transport studies and scheme analysis and will provide in- depth coverage of South of Oxfordshire and overlap with our own Strategic Transport Model.  This will provide this part of the county with an even more robust evidence base for transport scheme development and decision making.”




“I would be obliged for sight of the briefing document/study specification and confirmation of the date results are expected.”



Cabinet Member for Environment


“I will pass the information onto Councillor Bartholomew.”


Councillor Susanna Pressel


“I’m very worried about the threatened loss of services for the people I represent in Jericho. At present they have a new, purpose-built, fully equipped and professionally staffed children’s centre in Cutteslowe and a Baby Café in Jericho. It would be appalling if one or both of these were to close. There are many vulnerable families in Jericho and even more in Cutteslowe. They need these facilities badly or their problems will escalate, and addressing them will cost more in the long run.


We have been told that outreach support will be provided and that group work sessions will happen in community venues. It makes no sense to try to hold group sessions in places like Jericho Community Centre, which is a horrible old building, with no equipment, and leave North Oxford Children’s Centre standing empty! Please can you ensure that the children’s centre will stay open and tell me who will provide breast-feeding support at the standard of the Baby Café?”


Cabinet Member for Children, Education & Families


“The new service will provide outreach and it is our intention to provide that outreach in venues that families feel are suitable, convenient and comfortable.

As part of the consultation the Local authority has had discussions with groups including, parents, schools  and district, town and parish councils to explore the continued use of  children centre buildings  that cease to be funded by the service as part of the service redesign.


With regard to the children centre at Cutteslowe we would want to proactively engage with the school and partners to explore continued use of the building to provide services for children. If this can be achieved it means that outreach services including provision of groups could still continue to run from this building. This would be a preferred option for the Local Authority.


With regard to breast feeding support this will continue to be commissioned by the public health directorate within the County Council.”


Councillor Pressel


“When and how will that engagement be carried out and to what extent.”


Cabinet Member for Children, Education & Families


“When the consultation has been carried out discussions will be held with all centres to see what we are able to maintain.”