Agenda item

Proposed Amendment of One Way Traffic Restriction - Old Minster Lovell

Forward Plan Ref: 2015/112

Contact: Owen Jenkins, Service Manager for Highways, Transport & Waste Tel: (01865) 323304


Report by Deputy Director for Environment & Economy (Commercial) (CMDE7).


The report presents comments and objections received in the course of a statutory consultation on a proposal to clarify the precise extent of a current one-way traffic restriction on a minor road in Old Minster Lovell, which has been in place in some form since 2008.


The Cabinet Member for the Environment is RECOMMENDED to approvethe implementation of the proposal as advertised.







The Leader of the Council considered (CMDE7) comments and objections received to a statutory consultation on a proposal to clarify the precise extent of a current one-way traffic restriction on a minor road in Old Minster Lovell, which had been in place in some form since 2008.


Ben Arrowsmith spoke on behalf of the residents of Windrush who whilst not objecting had specific concerns regarding the siting of the no entry sign as in its current location it restricted the lower access to their property. Approaching the property from the bridge over the river Windrush there was already one very clear no-entry sign and that together with the fact that the road was not very narrow at this point had prompted them to request that the other sign be relocated above the lower access to their property and to amend the traffic restriction order accordingly.


He then responded to questions from the Leader of the Council. 


He could not confirm whether or not his clients had attended meetings of the parish council.


He accepted that the lower access could be used if the one-way system was used but that his clients felt this seemed very disproportionate.


Colin Alderman for the Parish Council confirmed the one-way system had been in existence since 2008. He had been involved in its implementation and he was clear that the intention had been to site signs at the bridge junction with School Hill. However, the sign in question had been moved without permission from its correct spot some 18 months previously to enable the occupants of Windrush to use their lower access but had now been moved back to its original and correct siting. He emphasised that this was a dangerous corner and asked that the current siting be ratified as per drawings in Annex 1 to the report.


District Councillor Warwick Robinson confirmed that the plans originally considered by the Parish Council were as those set out in Annex 1 to the report.  The lower access to Windrush had only recently been opened up following development at the property and he had been surprised to find that the sign had been moved without any consultation. That was now back in its correct position and he urged that that situation be ratified.


County Councillor Rodney Rose had been the local member for Minster Lovell when this scheme had originally been put in place and no discussion had taken place at that time regarding the need for a second access to the Windrush property. The intention had clearly been to prevent any turn after crossing the river bridge from Leafield but when the sign had been moved it presented a clear danger to motorists who had made that turn and who then might be required to reverse. He supported the recommendation.


Mr Tole confirmed that following legal advice it had been agreed that the most appropriate way to resolve the uncertainty was to formally consult on a new traffic restriction order which had been worded in line with the parish council’s understanding of how the one-way system had been intended to operate and how the signs were currently sited. The residents of Windrush and the parish council were diametrically opposed.  The police had indicated that signs should match the detail in any order and had been keen to establish that no-entry points should not be staggered.  It was normal practice for a one-way system to start at a junction and it was within the remit of this meeting to make that decision as access to Windrush via the lower access was not being denied and would be available at all times if the one-way system was used.  In this case there was clear support from and benefit for the wider community but a clear disbenefit to the residents of Windrush as suggested by their representative.  The officer recommendation would clarify the matter once and for all.


The Leader of the Council read out an extract from the Parish Council minutes of a meeting held on 2 July 2007 from which it was clear to him that the original intention had clearly been to place the signing at the junction and represented a clear mandate for that to happen. There was clearly a need to clarify this situation and as restriction to Windrush Cottage would not be denied he was minded to approve the recommendation. Therefore having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before him, the representations made to him and the further considerations set out above he confirmed his decision as follows:


to approve the amendment to and implementation of the one-way traffic restriction in Old Minster Lovell as advertised.




Leader of the Council



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