Agenda item

Motion From Councillor John Howson

“Council welcomes the introduction of free school meals for infant and reception class pupils in state-funded schools across the County from this September. This policy proposed by the Liberal Democrats as partners in the coalition government at Westminster is in support of the government’s aim to drive up education standards in schools across England. Council also welcomes the additional funding provided to over 80 small schools across Oxfordshire in additional to the general capital funding for distribution to all maintained schools plus the separate capital funding for voluntary schools and academies.


Council congratulates staff in both schools and the local authority and its partners in achieving the introduction of this policy in under a year.”



Councillor Howson moved and Councillor Patrick seconded the following motion:


“Council welcomes the introduction of free school meals for infant and reception class pupils in state-funded schools across the County from this September. This policy proposed by the Liberal Democrats as partners in the coalition government at Westminster is in support of the government’s aim to drive up education standards in schools across England. Council also welcomes the additional funding provided to over 80 small schools across Oxfordshire in additional to the general capital funding for distribution to all maintained schools plus the separate capital funding for voluntary schools and academies.


Council congratulates staff in both schools and the local authority and its partners in achieving the introduction of this policy in under a year.”


Councillor Tilley moved and Councillor Waine seconded the following amendment as shown in bold italics and strikethrough:


“Council welcomes the introduction of free school meals for infant and reception class pupils in state-funded schools across the County from this September. This policy proposed by the Liberal Democrats as partners in the coalition government at Westminster is in support of the government’s aim to drive up education standards in schools across England. Council also welcomes notes the additional funding provided has a shortfall of £0.873m that will mean the council will have to reduce its capital programme to cover the shortfall. to over 80 small schools across Oxfordshire in additional to the general capital funding for distribution to all maintained schools plus the separate capital funding for voluntary schools and academies.


 Whilst recognising this policy has cost so much time and money, thus taking teaching staff away from working on the attainment of our children, Council congratulates staff in both schools and the local authority and its partners in achieving the introduction of this policy in under a year.”


Following debate, the amendment was put to the vote and was carried by 45 votes to 11.


With the consent of Council, Councillor Brighouse withdrew her amendment set out in Annex 1 to the Schedule of Business.


Councillor Williams moved and Councillor Coates seconded the following amendment as shown in bold italics and strikethrough:


“Council welcomes the introduction of free school meals for infant and reception class pupils in state funded schools across the County from this September.This policy proposed by the Liberal Democrats as partners in the coalition government at Westminster is in support of the government’s aim to drive up education standards in schools across England. Council also welcomes the additional funding provided to over 80 small schools across Oxfordshire in additional to the general capital funding for distribution to all maintained schools plus the separate capital funding for voluntary schools and academies. and calls on the Government to adopt the Green Party policy that ALL children in primary schools should receive a nutritional free school meal. Given that there is ample evidence that a nutritional, healthy school meal will help avoid obesity and drive up educational achievement this Council believes that provision should be open to all primary school children.  


Council welcomes the additional funding provided to over 80 schools across Oxfordshire in addition to the general capital funding for distribution to all maintained schools plus the separate capital funding for voluntary schools and academies.


The Council congratulates staff in both schools and the local authority and its partners in achieving the introduction of this policy in under within a year.”


Following debate, the amendment was put to the vote and was lost by 52 votes to 2.


The substantive motion, as amended was then put to the vote and was carried by 50 votes to 1, with 3 abstentions.


RESOLVED: (by 50 votes to 1, with 3 abstentions)


“Council welcomes the introduction of free school meals for infant and reception class pupils in state-funded schools across the County from this September. This policy proposed by the Liberal Democrats as partners in the coalition government at Westminster is in support of the government’s aim to drive up education standards in schools across England. Council notes the additional funding provided has a shortfall of £0.873m that will mean the Council will have to reduce its capital programme to cover the shortfall.


Whilst recognising this policy has cost so much time and money, thus taking teaching staff away from working on the attainment of our children, Council congratulates staff in both schools and the local authority and its partners in achieving the introduction of this policy in under a year.”