Agenda item

Proposed 20mph and Buildout - Oxford Crescent, Didcot

Forward Plan Ref: 2014/112

Contact: Jim Daughton, Service Manager – Delivery Tel: (01865) 815083


Report by Deputy Director for Environment & Economy – Commercial & Delivery (CMDE6).




The Cabinet Member for Environment considered the results of a formal consultation to introduce a 20 mph speed limit along the length of Oxford Crescent in Didcot and a single kerb buildout with associated flat-top road hump.


Mr Perry advised that it was approaching the first anniversary of his son’s accident and the move to provide these measures had been to prevent a similar tragedy happening to others. The Crescent was close to a school and used as a cut through and whilst he accepted that there had been some objections mainly because of the loss of some parking space most, if not all, had access to alternative parking.  There had been a great deal of local support and he was confident the proposal would improve safety and confirmed that efforts would continue to raise funds in his son’s memory in order to improve safety.


Councillor Nick Hards advised the site was in a narrow residential road close to Didcot Girls School and subject to a lot of traffic at school drop off and pick up times.  Considering that the consultation had been sent to 103 recipients the number of objections received to the scheme had been small with only 15 returned, 12 of which had come from residents, although not all of those had objected.  While there had been some opposition to the speed limit the main opposition had centred on the build out but he was confident it would help to further control speed. He congratulated Mr Perry and his family on their commitment to fund raising.


Mr Tole confirmed there had been several rounds of consultation with the majority of objections received focusing on the loss of parking, although only 1 or possibly 2 spaces would now be lost under these proposals.  He understood alternative parking was available. A zebra crossing was not appropriate because of traffic and pedestrian flow but the build out would provide somewhere for people to stand and be seen. Furthermore if a crossing were provided then zig-zag lines associated with that facility would result in the loss of more parking spaces. Currently speeds on the crescent were around 20 mph but a formal restriction would help set the tone for people to drive in a certain way. He confirmed the level of response to the consultation as detailed by Councillor Hards and that costs for the development were being met jointly by Councillor Hards and the Perry family’s fundraising.


The Cabinet Member accepted that the loss of one parking space was not an issue. Expressing his sympathy to Mr Perry and his family he thanked him for their fund raising efforts and coming to speak in what must have been difficult circumstances.


Having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before him the representations made to him and the further considerations set out above the Cabinet Member for Environment confirmed his decision as follows:


to approve the proposed 20 mph speed limit and the kerb buildout and associated traffic calming on Oxford Crescent, Didcot as advertised.






Cabinet Member for Environment


Date of signing…………………………

Supporting documents: