Agenda item

Motion From Councillor Arash Fatemian

“Council is surprised to note that Oxford City Council has refused to sign the Local Contribution Legal Agreement to contribute funding towards the proposed East-West Rail project (OCC Cabinet Meeting, 15/10/2013 and Oxford Mail 11/11/2013).  Given that all other authorities along the route recognise the importance of such a development for economic growth and prosperity, this Council notes with disappointment that Oxford City Council have chosen not to contribute.


The apparent reason given for non-contribution was that the City Council “see this is a project where the benefits for the city will be limited economically” (Oxford Mail, 11/11/2013)


Given that:

·              The Oxfordshire LEP has stated that congestion into and around the City represents the biggest threat to growth in and around Oxford and that this will start damaging the local economy unless something is done and;

·              That the new proposed East-West rail link will significantly improve congestion in and around Oxford by taking at least 200 lorries an hour off the ring road and offering a fast train service from Water Eaton to Oxford


It would appear that there are indeed very significant benefits for Oxford City from East-West Rail.


As such, Council asks the Leader to write to the City Council expressing this authorities’ disappointment, sadness, and regret that Oxford City Council have failed to recognise the obvious benefits such a scheme will bring to the residents of Oxford and the obvious Economic impact on the city as a whole and to invite the City Council to reconsider a short-sighted and ill-considered position.”


Councillor Fatemian moved and Councillor Rose seconded the following motion:


“Council is surprised to note that Oxford City Council has refused to sign the Local Contribution Legal Agreement to contribute funding towards the proposed East-West Rail project (OCC Cabinet Meeting, 15/10/2013 and Oxford Mail 11/11/2013).  Given that all other authorities along the route recognise the importance of such a development for economic growth and prosperity, this Council notes with disappointment that Oxford City Council have chosen not to contribute.


The apparent reason given for non-contribution was that the City Council “see this is a project where the benefits for the city will be limited economically” (Oxford Mail, 11/11/2013)


Given that:

·              The Oxfordshire LEP has stated that congestion into and around the City represents the biggest threat to growth in and around Oxford and that this will start damaging the local economy unless something is done and;

·              That the new proposed East-West rail link will significantly improve congestion in and around Oxford by taking at least 200 lorries an hour off the ring road and offering a fast train service from Water Eaton to Oxford


It would appear that there are indeed very significant benefits for Oxford City from East-West Rail.


As such, Council asks the Leader to write to the City Council expressing this authorities’ disappointment, sadness, and regret that Oxford City Council have failed to recognise the obvious benefits such a scheme will bring to the residents of Oxford and the obvious Economic impact on the city as a whole and to invite the City Council to reconsider a short-sighted and ill-considered position.”


Following debate, the motion was put to the vote and was carried by 41 votes to 11, with 2 abstentions.


RESOLVED: (41 votes to 11, 2 abstentions)


Council is surprised to note that Oxford City Council has refused to sign the Local Contribution Legal Agreement to contribute funding towards the proposed East-West Rail project (OCC Cabinet Meeting, 15/10/2013 and Oxford Mail 11/11/2013).  Given that all other authorities along the route recognise the importance of such a development for economic growth and prosperity, this Council notes with disappointment that Oxford City Council have chosen not to contribute.


The apparent reason given for non-contribution was that the City Council “see this is a project where the benefits for the city will be limited economically” (Oxford Mail, 11/11/2013)


Given that:

·              The Oxfordshire LEP has stated that congestion into and around the City represents the biggest threat to growth in and around Oxford and that this will start damaging the local economy unless something is done and;

·              That the new proposed East-West rail link will significantly improve congestion in and around Oxford by taking at least 200 lorries an hour off the ring road and offering a fast train service from Water Eaton to Oxford


It would appear that there are indeed very significant benefits for Oxford City from East-West Rail.


As such, Council asks the Leader to write to the City Council expressing this authorities’ disappointment, sadness, and regret that Oxford City Council have failed to recognise the obvious benefits such a scheme will bring to the residents of Oxford and the obvious Economic impact on the city as a whole and to invite the City Council to reconsider a short-sighted and ill-considered position.