
Health Improvement Partnership Board - Thursday, 20 October 2016 2.00 pm

Venue: King's Centre

Contact: Katie Read, Policy & Partnership Officer  Tel: 07584 909530; Email:

No. Item


Welcome by Chairman, Councillor Anna Badcock


Apologies for Absence and Temporary Appointments


Declaration of Interest - see guidance note opposite


Petitions and Public Address


Note of Decision of Last Meeting pdf icon PDF 182 KB


5 minutes


To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 7 July 2016 and to receive information arising from them.



Performance Report pdf icon PDF 106 KB


15 minutes


People responsible: Members of the Health Improvement Board


Performance report presented by: Jonathan McWilliam, Public Health, Oxfordshire County Council


A report on progress against the targets of the Health Improvement Board in Quarter 1. A new target is required for 10.4 (fuel poverty). This will be discussed under item 9 – a briefing from the Affordable Warmth Network.



Housing Related Support update


15 minutes


Verbal update from: Natalia Lachkou, Oxfordshire County Council


A verbal update on next steps for commissioning housing related support services.



Government's Childhood Obesity Plan pdf icon PDF 409 KB


15 minutes


A verbal update from: Donna Husband, Public Health, Oxfordshire County Council


A discussion about the Government’s recent Plan for Action to tackle Childhood Obesity (attached for reference).


Affordable Warmth Network briefing pdf icon PDF 505 KB


15 minutes


Report presented by: Dale Hoyland, National Energy Foundation


A briefing on the outcomes of the British Gas Energy Trust funded ‘Better Housing, Better Health’ project and a discussion about future funding for this project and an appropriate performance measure for the Affordable Warmth Network going forward.


Health Protection Forum Annual Report pdf icon PDF 160 KB


10 minutes


Report presented by: Eunan O’Neill, Public Health, Oxfordshire County Council


A report on the activity of the Public Health, Health Protection Forum during 2015-16.




Air Quality Management Annual Report pdf icon PDF 243 KB


15 minutes


Report presented by: Ian Halliday, Oxford City Council and Claire Spendley, Chair of Oxfordshire Air Quality Group


An overview of what is being done to tackle poor air quality across the County, including the role of Local Authorities and the Health Improvement Board.


Bicester Healthy New Town pdf icon PDF 640 KB


15 minutes


Report presented by: Ian Davies, Cherwell District Council


A progress report on Bicester’s participation in the NHS England Healthy New Town Programme and action being taken to address air quality issues in Cherwell and Bicester in particular.


Alcohol and Drugs Partnership Annual Report pdf icon PDF 85 KB


10 minutes


Report presented by: Jackie Wilderspin, Public Health, Oxfordshire County Council


An update on the work that has been going on to address the priorities within the Alcohol and Drugs Strategy. This includes a review and update on the latest trends for alcohol and drugs related harm.


Additional documents:


Director of Public Health Annual Report pdf icon PDF 4 MB


15 minutes


Report presented by: Johnathan McWilliam, Director of Public Health, Oxfordshire County Council


The Director of Public Health will present a draft of his Annual Report for 2015/16 which will be presented to the County Council in November for approval.


It is an independent report for all organisations and individuals that summarises key issues associated with the Public Health of the county. It includes details of progress over the past year, as well as recommendations for future work.



Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 15 KB


5 minutes


Presented by: Councillor Anna Badcock, Chairman of the Health Improvement Board


A discussion about the forward plan for the Health Improvement Board.