Agenda and minutes

Shadow Health Improvement Board - Wednesday, 20 March 2013 2.00 pm

Venue: Town Hall, Oxford

Contact: James Martin, Policy & Partnership Officer  Tel: (01865) 323344; Email:

No. Item


Welcome by Chairman, District Councillor Mark Booty


Apologies for Absence and Temporary Appointments


Declaration of Interest - see guidance note opposite


Petitions and Public Address


Note of Decision of Last Meeting pdf icon PDF 165 KB


10 mins


To approve the Note of Decisions of the meeting held on 12 September (HIB5) and to receive information arising from them.


A discussion on the joint response by the Alcohol Strategy Group and Community Safety Partnership and the Health Improvement Board to the national consultation on the minimum pricing of alcohol and other proposed measures from the.  The response has been previously circulated.




Performance Monitoring pdf icon PDF 258 KB

2:20 mins

10 mins


Person(s) responsible: Members of the Health Improvement Board

Person giving report: Dr Jonathan McWilliam Director of Public Health


A report  of the current progress against the targets of the HIB and a discussion on the  latest JSNA report for the Health and Wellbeing Board

Additional documents:


Housing and Health pdf icon PDF 107 KB


40 mins


Person(s) responsible: Members of the Health Improvement Board

Person giving reports: Jackie Wilderspin & Lesley Sherratt


A discussion on the Health Improvement Board’s priority on housing and health:


1.                  Progress on work around fuel poverty

2.                  Terms of Reference for the Supported Housing Group

3.                  Preventing Homelessness and information on welfare changes

4.                  The proposed basket of indicators on housing and health to be monitored by the Health Improvement Board

Additional documents:


Update from the PIN




Person(s) responsible: Members of the Health Improvement Board

Person giving report: Anita Higham OBE


A discussion of the issues being raised through the Public Involvement Network impacting on the work of the Health Improvement Board


Report on the joint HIB and AH&SCB workshop pdf icon PDF 215 KB


20 mins


Person(s) responsible: Members of the Health Improvement Board

Person giving report: Jackie Wilderspin


A review of the joint Health Improvement Board and Adult Health & Social Care Board workshop that took place in July including recommendations for next steps


Health Protection Forum


10 mins


Person(s) responsible: Members of the Health Improvement Board

Person giving report: Dr Jonathan McWilliam Director of Public Health


An introduction to the Health Protection Forum including the terms of reference


Forward Plan


10 mins


A discussion on the forward plan for the Health Improvement Board.


Meeting dates 2013/14:


  • Thursday 16th May 2013
  • Thursday 11th July 2013
  • Thursday 26th September 2013
  • Thursday 28th November 2013
  • Thursday 23rd January 2013
  • Thursday 27th March 2013