Agenda and minutes

Supporting People Commissioning Body - Friday, 25 March 2011 10.00 am

Venue: County Hall, New Road, Oxford

Contact: Sue Whitehead  Tel: (01865) 810262; E-mail:

No. Item


Councillor Verena Hunt


The Chairman advised that Councillor Verena Hunt had replaced Councillor Hibbert-Biles as the West Oxfordshire representative on the Commissioning Body.


Apologies for Absence and Substitutions (if applicable)


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Verena Hunt – West Oxfordshire District Council.




Minutes pdf icon PDF 65 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 20 January 2011 (SP4) and to receive for information any matters arising on them.


The Minutes of the meeting held on 20 January 2011 were approved and signed.


In relation to minute 4/11 following assurances that the timescale for the review of services for people with physical disability was achievable it was AGREED that the timetable considered by the Core Strategy Group, together with more detailed information where available, be circulated to Commissioning Body members.


Supporting People Strategy 2011-16 and Annual Plan for 2011-12 pdf icon PDF 724 KB

The partnership has reviewed Oxfordshire Supporting People Strategy in 2010-11 with a view to set strategic and financial objectives for the programme in 2011-2016. Outcomes of this review are presented in the Supporting People Strategy for 2011-16 attached at SP5


This strategy, once approved by the Commissioning Body, would be used to inform further discussions with key stakeholders and to guide the partnership through the programme wide review proposed in the annual plan for 2011-12.  


A paper is attached at SP5a reminding the Commissioning Body of the requirements in the Memorandum of Understanding regarding the contents of the annual plan.


The Core Strategy Group at its meeting on 2 March discussed a draft Annual Plan 2011-12. Officers recommended a list of major projects for 2011-12 attached at SP5b and a budget proposing the amount to be spent on each primary client group (SP5c).


There will be a paper setting out further details about this budget SP5d


The papers setting out the budget and explaining the rationale for its composition are being finalised and will be circulated separately, in advance of the meeting.


The Core Strategy Group RECOMMENDS that the Commissioning Body approves the Supporting People strategy 2011-16 and Annual Plan 2011-12.


Additional documents:


During discussion of the Strategy members expressed the view that the document was rather long and could focus more on positioning for the future.


It was suggested that there needed to be some statement in the Strategy of the relationship of the Supporting People Programme to the Health & Wellbeing Board. Some concern was expressed at future arrangements for supporting people and the fear that the role of District Councils could be reduced or phased out. It was noted that any statement on governance would also need to take account of the changes to the NHS and the introduction of GP Commissioning and need to engage with GP Consortia.


In revising the Strategy in the light of comments it was suggested that it would be useful to keep firmly in mind the role and purpose of the Strategy. It needed to focus on the delivery of vital services at a time of very reduced funding. It needed to set out priorities and the delivery of those priorities by the resources available. It was therefore suggested that a shorter tighter document focussing on the battleplan and direction of travel was needed. Celebration of achievements should be dealt with separately. There should be a section on future governance.


The Commissioning Body considered the implications of delaying approval of the Strategy and agreed that the current Strategy be used as an indication of direction of travel until the new Strategy was agreed.


During discussion of the Annual Plan various views were expressed over the way in which the changes necessary to the programme budgets should be set. The Options set out were considered and following lengthy debate support was given to the principle of a 2% reduction from each service but amended taking into account the ability of individual services to achieve the saving. Negotiation of the figures should be based on 3 principles –transparency, efficiencies (not translating into reduction of services) and support for the strategic direction of travel. There was an understanding that where more can be gained that this be reinvested in the priorities (identified as mental health, generic and floating services.) Offender services were also mentioned.


It was AGREED:-     that


(a) the Supporting People Strategy 2011-16 be redrafted taking account of the comments today and that there be further informal discussion with a view to the Strategy being submitted to the meeting on 17 June for formal approval; (b) in the meantime the existing Strategy continue to be applied as the direction of travel for the Supporting People Programme;

 (c) consideration be given to the appropriate method of celebrating the achievements of the existing Strategy,

 (d) approval be given to the budget for the Annual Plan 2011-12 as set out in Annex 2 on the understanding that the individual budget headings were indicative and that movement was expected  based on continuing work by officers based on the principles and priorities identified by the Supporting People Commissioning Body;

 (e) that a position update be submitted to the next meeting.


Supporting People Budget Report 2010-11 pdf icon PDF 49 KB

The Administering Authority currently projects a smaller year end surplus of £7k compared with the original budget surplus of £202,243k. This is explained mainly by incurring higher than planned spend on mental health services and older people services.


Detailed budget monitoring reports (SP 6a-c.) are being produced based on the latest financial position and will be circulated separately, in advance of the meeting.


Additional documents:


The Commissioning Body considered the detailed budget monitoring reports and noted that the underspend was projected to be just £7,000.


It was suggested that consideration be given to adding a comments column to the tables in future reports to explain the true position in terms of areas shown as receiving no funding for particular programme areas.   


Annual Plan 2010-11 - Progress Report pdf icon PDF 47 KB

A report attached at SP7 gives information about any items in the Annual Plan which the administering authority is not on track to deliver and a table is attached at SP7a showing progress against the Annual Plan

Additional documents:


The Commissioning Body noted the progress report.



Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held in Meeting Rooms 3 County Hall on Friday 17 June 2011.


The Commissioning Body confirmed that the next meeting be held in Meeting Room 1, County Hall on 17 June 2011 at 10.00 am.


It was AGREED that future meetings start at 10.00 am.


Minutes of Core Strategy Group


It was AGREED that in future Commissioning Board members receive a copy of the minutes of the Core Strategy Group.


Graham McCartney


The Chairman noted that it was Graham McCartney’s last meeting and expressed the Commissioning Body’s congratulations on his new role and their regret that he was leaving together with their thanks for his input during his time as a member on the Commissioning Body.