Agenda and minutes

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport - Thursday, 3 June 2010 10.00 am

Venue: County Hall

Contact: Graham Warrington  Tel: (01865) 815321; E-Mail:

No. Item


Petitions and Public Address


Item 4. Highway Matters – Northfield

End and Bell Street

Amanda Chumas

Alan Jones

Mr Rosen

Paul Stott

Guthrie McGruer

Jose Goumal

George Sanders

Norman Peters

Christopher Russell

Mrs Weait

Mrs Hutton

Mrs Hare

Councillor David Nimmo-Smith


Item 5. Contra-Flow Cycle Lane, East

Saint Helen Street, Abingdon

Councillor Michael Badcock

Francis Gadden

Councillor Peter Jones

Councillor Sandy Lovatt


Questions from County Councillors

Any county councillor may, by giving notice to the Proper Officer by 9 am on the working day before the meeting, ask a question on any matter in respect of the Cabinet Member’s delegated powers.


The number of questions which may be asked by any councillor at any one meeting is limited to two (or one question with notice and a supplementary question at the meeting) and the time for questions will be limited to 30 minutes in total. As with questions at Council, any questions which remain unanswered at the end of this item will receive a written response.


Questions submitted prior to the agenda being despatched are shown below and will be the subject of a response from the appropriate Cabinet Member or such other councillor or officer as is determined by the Cabinet Member, and shall not be the subject of further debate at this meeting. Questions received after the despatch of the agenda, but before the deadline, will be shown on the Schedule of Addenda circulated at the meeting, together with any written response which is available at that time.


Councillor John Sanders had given notice of the following question to the Cabinet Member for Transport


As it is proposed to raise the tariff for parking in city centre car parks, will the Cabinet Member for Transport now consider withdrawing car parking charges associated with Controlled Parking Zones?"


Councillor Rodney Rose:


The purpose of these changes to the on-street parking tariffs is to bring the charges more into line with those in place in the city centre car parks.  From a traffic management perspective the pricing mechanism should ideally result in around 85% occupancy of the spaces to ensure that drivers have a good chance of finding a space without driving around waiting for one to become free.  It is, therefore, not possible to estimate what impact these changes will have on the overall parking revenue.  It is, however, not expected that any increase in the revenue would be of sufficiently significant a level to enable any changes to the cost of parking permits.


Supplementary question:


Councillor Sanders commented that the main purpose of the proposals was to bring on-street charges into line with City Council car park charges. He queried this as there were costs associated with the running of a car park such as maintenance and security, including staffing which there were not for on-street parking. He accepted that there might be a wish to raise more money from parking but was concerned that if there was no intention to withdraw car parking charges from Controlled Parking Zones then why was only this type of revenue being reviewed. He referred to the free parking available at weekends and to visitors which he felt that the County Council was entitled to reintroduce.


Councillor Rose replied that in November 2009 he had stated his intention to harmonise on-street parking with car parking charges so that drivers would not drive round looking for a cheaper parking space with the objective of reducing congestion. The aim was not to raise money.




Extent of the Highway Northfield End Area of Henley-on-Thames pdf icon PDF 10 MB

Forward Plan Ref: 2010/036

Contact: Kevin Haines, Group Manager, Policy & Asset Management Tel: (01865) 815687


Report by Head of Transport (CMDT4).




The Cabinet Member for Transport considered a report concerning changes to the extent of the known highway in the Northfield End area of Henley-on-Thames and the implication of this change to the County Council as local highway authority. A possible statutory solution for one area was also considered.  


Mrs Chumas a local resident spoke in relation to the spaces in front of 92-102 Bell Street commenting that she had bought her space for peace of mind and security as there was a great shortage of public and residents bays. She also referred to the difficulties of a resident of Bell Street who was disabled and would agree only on the basis of having 2 car parking spaces.  Local people had bought the spaces in good faith, would be eligible for compensation but mostly did not want it but wished to keep the spaces they had. She felt there was a false assumption in respect of the footway argument as they did drive over it.


Alan Jones spoke in support of the findings of the Council and supported the stopping up of Bells Lane. Mr Rosen agreed with Mr Jones and supported the recommendations of the consultants for the status quo.


Mr Stott, speaking in relation to the school Street spoke against the Consultant’s findings and suggested that a recommendation (c) include 90 Bell Street in any consultations. He commented that the 4 parking bays were used habitually and had been repaired and maintained. He referred to recent advice and the views of Henley Town Council who had asked that 90 Bell Street be excluded. He hoped that there would be a decision to include 90 Bell Street in any stopping up.


Mr McGruer, speaking on behalf of Chesterton Commercial referred to the historic position in relation to parking on Bell Street. He did not seek to challenge the consultants report but was dismayed at the conclusions. They had purchased four spaces and supported the proposal to stop up the highway on the basis that it was not needed. He commented that a key question was whether there were suitable alternative spaces available and that there were no useful public spaces.


Jose Gournal  spoke in relation to 98 Bell Street where there was limited parking in front. Careful parking was required. She expressed concerns at the costs of the proposals to the County Council and reiterated other speakers in noting that she had bought the space properly and supported the status quo.


Mr Sanders and Mr Peters, residents of Northfield End also spoke in favour of the status quo. 


Mr Russell, Mrs Weait and Mrs Hutton, residents directly affected by parking from 92-102 Bell Street spoke against the parking continuing on the grounds of emergency access, safety for pedestrians particularly children, heritage aspects of the area and that historically it had been highway.


Mrs Hare expressed concern for her mother’s safety as a resident in the area and highlighted the Rupert House delivery vehicles as a particular problem.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12/10


Contra-Flow Cycle Lane, East Saint Helen Street, Abingdon pdf icon PDF 82 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2010/036

Contact: Natalie Moore, Assistant Transport Planner Tel: (01865) 815729


Report by Head of Transport (CMDT5)

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Transport considered introducing a contra-flow cycle lane on the northern most section of East Saint Helen Street in Abingdon; from the junction with Lombard Street to the High Street / Bridge Street junction and considered the results of an informal consultation undertaken in February 2010. 


Councillor Michael Badcock supported the recommendations of officers not to include the contra-flow in the scheme.


Francis Gadden spoke in support of the removal of the taxi rank and expressed disappointment that there would be fewer spaces. She commented that as a resident of East Saint Helen Street she did not use the current cycle route and that generally people were unaware of the route. She did not support the contra-flow cycle lane.


Councillor Peter Jones and Councillor Sandy Lovatt made further representations as local councillors.


Having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before him, the representations made to him and the further considerations set out above the Cabinet member for Transport confirmed his decision as follows:





(a)           approve that the contra-flow cycle lane be removed from the Abingdon Town Centre scheme;


(b)           authorise officers to continue to explore options of implementing other cycle schemes within Abingdon.



On-Street Pay and Display Tariff Changes pdf icon PDF 60 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2010/075

Contact: Pat Higgins, Group Manager, Traffic Enforcement Tel: (01865) 814022


Report by Head of Transport (CMDT6).





to approve the changes to the on-street parking tariffs as detailed in the report.



Headington Central CPZ, Oxford Minor Amendments pdf icon PDF 93 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2009/206

Contact: David Tole, Leader, Traffic Regulation Tel: (01865) 815942


Report by Head of Transport (CMDT7).







(a)           approve the proposed changes to the parking places in Windmill Road, Osler Road and The Croft as advertised in the Oxfordshire County Council (Headington Central) (Controlled Parking Zone and Various Restrictions) (Variation No 11*) Order 200*


(b)           not approve the proposed change to a parking place in Holyoake Road as advertised in the Oxfordshire County Council (Headington Central) (Controlled Parking Zone and Various Restrictions) (Variation No 11*) Order 200*


(c)           approve the temporary renewal of permits issued to residents of Holyoake Hall pending a final decision on eligibility, as set out in the report



Disabled Persons' Parking Places - Vale of White Horse District pdf icon PDF 86 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2010/068

Contact: Mike Ruse, Traffic Regulation Officer Tel: (01865) 815978


Report by Head of Transport (CMDT8).





to authorise variations to the Oxfordshire County Council (Vale of White Horse District) (Disabled Persons’ Parking Places) Order 2006 as amended in this report to provide for:


(a)               ten new DPPPs, and  three DPPP formalisations as set out in Annex 1 to this report; and


(b)               the removal of two DPPPs as detailed in Annex 1 to this report.
