Agenda and minutes

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Safer & Stronger Communities - Monday, 8 October 2012 12.00 pm

Venue: County Hall, New Road, Oxford

Contact: Julie Dean  Tel: (01865) 815322; E-mail:

No. Item


Draft OFRS Strategic Integrated Risk Management Plan 2013/18 for Public Consultation pdf icon PDF 53 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2012/082

Contact: Nathan Travis, Assistant Chief Fire Officer, Tel: (01865) 855206


Report by Assistant Chief Fire Officer  (CMDSSC4).


This report presents the Fire and Rescue Authority's next draft five-year Strategic Integrated Risk Management Action Plan (IRMP) - also known as its Community Risk Management Plan - based on the analysis of both the current and anticipated future fire and rescue-related risks facing Oxfordshire.


To meet the requirements of the IRMP process, the plan includes options to further reduce, mitigate and respond to these identified risks - with the overall aim of improving both public and firefighter safety. In addition, the analysis recognises the potential impact of the prevailing economic conditions.


The risks are formulated into five main groupings that demonstrate their relevance to the people and communities of Oxfordshire:


Risk at home - risks at home from emergency situations and other risks in the community that are not covered elsewhere (such as Leisure).


Risk at work – risks at work from emergency situations and hazardous processes and materials.


Risk whilst travelling – risks while travelling by road rail, boats and aircraft.


Heritage risk – risks to the wealth of places with historical value in Oxfordshire.


Extreme events – extreme weather, environmental impacts and terrorist activities.


This strategic IRMP will form the evidential basis for future annual action plans over the next five-year period, providing the Fire and Rescue Authority with the flexibility to manage the foreseeable risks within the wider context of the County Council’s priorities and pressures.


An update on the Government's new Fire and Rescue National Framework (2012) - which sets national expectations - has an impact on the direction of the Authority's Strategic IRMP - and the first IRMP action plan (2013-14) to be associated with this strategic document is the subject of a separate delegated decision paper.


If approved - and following Scrutiny in November 2012 - this draft will be subject to a 12-week public and stakeholder consultation process prior to seeking final approval from Cabinet in February 2013.


The Cabinet Member is RECOMMENDED to approve the draft Strategic IRMP 2013-18 to be progressed for further consultation & Scrutiny.


Additional documents:


to approve the proposed projects to be included in the draft Oxfordshire Fire & Rescue Service Strategic Risk Management Plan 2013/18 for further public consultation and scrutiny.


Integrated Risk Management Plan - Draft Action Plan 2013/14 and Update on National Framework pdf icon PDF 102 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2012/072

Contact: Nathan Travis, Assistant Chief Fire Officer, Tel: (01865) 855206


Report by Assistant Chief Fire Officer  (CMDSSC5).


This report proposes a number of projects to be included within the Fire Authority’s Integrated Risk Management Action Plan (IRMP) for the fiscal year 2013-14, based on the analysis contained within its latest strategic IRMP (2013-18).  The proposals summarise areas where the Service’s Senior Leadership Team believe service improvements may be achieved. To meet the requirements of the IRMP process, each proposal is supported by evidence, validating both their inclusion and their contribution to improved community engagement and community/firefighter safety.  Similarly, each proposal recognises the prevailing economic constraints.


The proposals for the 2013 - 2014 Action Plan are as follows:


Project 1: Implement the Service’s Road Safety strategy as an integral part of its prevention and protection activities

Responsible Manager: Area Manager - Safety


Project 2: Implement opportunities for technological advancements - following a review of fleet, equipment and working practices - to further support and enhance public and firefighter safety

Responsible Manager: Area Manager - Service Support


Project 3: Review and revise the Service’s Learning and Development strategy to further support and enhance public and firefighter safety

Responsible Manager: Area Manager - Service Support


Project 4: Deliver the Thames Valley Fire Control Service (TVFCS) programme

Responsible Manager: Deputy Chief Fire Officer


Project 5: Implement further collaborative opportunities with other Thames Valley Local Resilience Forum (TVLRF) Category 1 & 2 responders and align working practices to improve our provision of multi-agency prevention, protection and response services

Responsible Manager: Area Manager - Operations and Resilience


Project 6: Review and revise the Service’s strategy for the effective management of operational incidents in order to further support and enhance public and firefighter safety

Responsible Manager: Area Manager - Operations and Resilience



These proposals, if approved by the Cabinet Member for Safer & Stronger Communities, will be adopted in the final version of the IRMP Action Plan 2013-14 subject to further consultation & Scrutiny.  Each project will be subject to close monitoring, reviewed every quarter and reported to the Cabinet Member responsible for Safer & Stronger Communities.


The Cabinet Member is RECOMMENDED to approve the proposed projects to be included for further consultation & Scrutiny in the draft IRMP Action Plan 2013-14.




The Cabinet Member approved the proposed projects to be included within the Oxfordshire Fire & Rescue Service Integrated Risk Management Action Plan 2013-14, for further public consultation and scrutiny.