Agenda and minutes

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Children, Young People & Families - Tuesday, 10 August 2010 3.00 pm

Venue: County Hall

Contact: Sue Whitehead  Tel: (01865) 810262; E-Mail:

Note: 3.00 pm or on the rising of Cabinet which ever is the later 

No. Item


Apologies and Temporary Appointments for Absence


Petitions and Public Address


The following request to address the meeting had been agreed:  Mr N Grady, School’s Forum elected representative for Oxfordshire’s PVI Providers



Early Years Free Entitlement - Revised Provider Agreement pdf icon PDF 52 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2010/139

Contact: Annie Davy, Strategic Lead Early Years, Raising Achievement Services Tel: (01865) 815493


Report by Director for Children, Young People & Families (CMDCY4).


The Early Years Provider Agreement is a binding agreement with over 330 private and voluntary providers of the free entitlement of early education for 3 and 4 year olds.  It protects the Council in terms of its statutory duty to deliver the entitlement and the use and distribution of c. £16million funding which is passported to early years settings to support over 8,000 children per annum.

The  Provider Agreement has been updated following publication of the revised national Code of Practice and local consultation. This report requests approval of the new Agreement and the circumstances and process for removing providers from the early years register.  

The Cabinet Member for Children, Young People & Families is RECOMMENDED to approve the revised Provider Agreement as attached at Annex 1 and to delegate to the Director for Children, Young People & Families decisions on any future amendments of an operational nature which may be needed





Additional documents:


to approve the revised Provider Agreement as attached at Annex 1 and to delegate to the Director for Children, Young People & Families decisions on any future amendments of an operational nature which may be needed