Agenda and minutes

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Adult Services - Tuesday, 2 February 2010 12.00 pm

Venue: County Hall

Contact: Kath Coldwell  Tel: (01865) 815902; E-Mail:

No. Item


Contract Award Recommendation Report - Provision of Alarms, Daytime Support, Emergency Response and Telecare Services

Contact Officer: Natalia Lachkou, Supporting People Programme Manager,  tel: (01865) 894858


12:00 pm


Oxfordshire County Council has decided to bring together its community alarms and telecare services into one “Alert” Service by one or more providers across the whole of Oxfordshire or in smaller geographic areas.

The new county-wide service shall consist of:

1.      The provision, installation, removal and maintenance of alarm (telecare)

      and associated equipment

2.      24 hour emergency visiting response service

3.      Day time planned support service

4.      Call/monitoring centre.


Key service aims are:


·        To enable people in need of support to maintain their independence, health and well-being in their chosen home for the foreseeable future;

·        To prevent them from entering institutional care and reduce the instances of hospital admission.


A competitive tender exercise was carried out in 2009 to commission this service. The attached report (CMDAS4E – to follow and to be given limited circulation) sets out recommendations for contract awards to successful bidders. Decisions to award these contracts are required to enable  a timely start of transition to new arrangements.  The new service needs to be in place in West Oxfordshire from 1 April 2010 and in other parts of the county starting from 1 May 2010 and completed by 1 October 2010.


The Cabinet Member for Adult Services is RECOMMENDED to award the contracts as recommended in the report referred to above.



Having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before me, I confirm that my decision on this matter is to award the contracts as recommended in the report.