Agenda and minutes

Moved, People Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Monday, 22 April 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Room 2&3 - County Hall, New Road, Oxford OX1 1ND. View directions

Contact: Scrutiny Team  Email:

Link: video link

No. Item


Introduction and Welcome


Apologies for Absence and Temporary Appointments


Apologies were received from Cllr Corkin (substitute: Cllr Murphy), Cllr Leverton, and Cllr Waine.  It was confirmed that the meeting was quorate. 


Cllr Waine attended remotely as a guest of the Committee, at the discretion of the Chair.


Declaration of Interests - see guidance note on the back page


There were none.


Petitions and Public Addresses

Members of the public who wish to speak at this meeting can attend the meeting in person or ‘virtually’ through an online connection.


To facilitate ‘hybrid’ meetings we are asking that requests to speak are submitted by no later than 9.00 a.m. four working days before the meeting, i.e., 9.00 a.m. on Tuesday 16 April 2024. Requests to speak should be sent to  


If you are speaking ‘virtually’, you may submit a written statement of your presentation to ensure that, if the technology fails, your views can still be taken into account. A written copy of your statement can be provided no later than 9.00 a.m. two working days before the meeting. Written submissions should be no longer than one A4 sheet.



There were none.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 251 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 18 January 2024 (POSC4) and to receive information arising from them.


The Committee is recommended to AGREE the minutes as a true and accurate record having raised any necessary amendments.


The Committee resolved to AGREE the minutes of the meeting of 18 January 2024 as a true and accurate record.


Adult Social care Assurance Update pdf icon PDF 343 KB

Cllr Tim Bearder, Cabinet member for Adult Social Care, and Karen Fuller, Corporate Director for Adult Social Care, have been invited to present a report setting out information on preparations for CQC Assurance and the development of a self-assessment for Adult Social Care.  The report is also to provide an update on the recent Local Government Association Peer Challenge.


The Committee is asked to consider the report and raise any questions, and to AGREE any recommendations it wishes to make to Cabinet arising therefrom.

Additional documents:


Cllr Liz Leffman, the Leader of the Council, attended to present a report setting out the Council’s preparations for Care Quality Commission (CQC) Assurance and the development of a self-assessment for Adult Social Care. The report also provided an update on the recent Local Government Association (LGA) Peer Challenge.  The Leader was accompanied by Karen Fuller, Corporate Director for Adult Social Care, Victoria Baran, Deputy Director Adult Social Care, and Alison Enever, Project Manager.  Stephen Chandler, Executive Director for People, also attended for some of the item.


The Committee noted its disappointment that, for the second consecutive meeting, Cllr Bearder had declined the Committee’s invitation to present a report relating to his portfolio.


The Leader introduced the Adult Social Care Assurance Update and thanked officers for the excellent work that was evident in the recent Peer Review.  The Leader emphasised the need to further embed The Oxfordshire Way across the organisation’s thinking.  There were also areas where areas for improvement were suggested and the Council was committed to addressing those.


The Corporate Director for Adult Social Care reminded members that, whilst the date was unknown, the Assurance assessment was impending and would consider the Council as a whole rather than simply Adult Social Care.  The Peer Review had usefully highlighted areas of strength and of opportunity.


The Deputy Director for Adult Social Care gave an overview of the CQC Assurance and set out key findings from the recent Peer Challenge.  Since the introduction of the Health and Care Act 2022, CQC had a duty to assess how local authorities met their Care Act 2014 duties. CQC had also published their guidance and assessment framework. Upon notification of an inspection there would be three weeks to submit data requested in the Local Authority Information Return (LAIR).  This enabled CQC to review key documents, information, and data in advance of its arrival. CQC would arrive for an on-site assessment within six months. CQC focused on four key themes: i) working with people, ii) providing support, iii) how the local authority ensures safety within the system, iv) leadership.

The LGA Peer Challenge provided lots of data on these key themes which also provided a wide range of evidence for the LAIR. The peer review included 250 people with a range of experience throughout the organisation, from frontline staff to leadership.


The LGA Peer Challenge identified several strengths within the Oxfordshire Adult Social Care System including improvements in waiting list times, the outcomes-focused Safeguarding Adults Board, and the passion and pride of. The review highlighted areas for development including the need to further embed an understanding of the Oxfordshire Way into staff culture, to develop work done around co-production, and to improve the data and intelligence dynamic.


Feedback from those involved in the experience was to be gathered. A programme approach was to be adopted to identify, track, and drive delivery on key areas.


The Committee had wide-ranging discussion and a number of issues were raised, including the following:


·       The Committee sought further clarification  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6/24


Forward Plan and Committee Business pdf icon PDF 37 KB

Recognising that it will be for the Committee as appointed in the next civic year to confirm the work programme, the Committee is recommended to IDENTIFY items it would wish to consider in the 2024/25 civic year, taking account of the Cabinet Forward Plan and of the Budget Management Monitoring Report.

Additional documents:


The Committee suggested the following items for future discussion in the forward plan:

·       Active Oxfordshire

o   Preventative measures

·       Housing

·       An update on Home to School Transport


Action and Recommendation Tracker pdf icon PDF 46 KB

The Committee is recommended to NOTE the status of current actions and recommendations, having raised any questions on their contents.  The Committee is reminded that those pertaining to the new Education and Young People Overview & Scrutiny Committee have been removed.


The Committee was reminded that much of the Action and Recommendation tracker’s content had been taken out and moved to the Education and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee tracker, as they related to the remit of the new committee.


The Committee NOTED these changes, and the remaining actions and recommendations in progress.


Responses from Cabinet

None have been received since the previous meeting.


None were received since the previous meeting on 18 January 2024.