Issue - meetings

Corporate Plan Performance and Risk Management Report for the 1st Quarter 2012

Meeting: 16/10/2012 - Cabinet (Item 114)

114 Corporate Plan Performance and Risk Management Report for the 1st Quarter 2012 pdf icon PDF 235 KB

Cabinet Member: Deputy Leader

Forward Plan Ref: 2012/067

Contact: Alexandra Bailey, Senior Performance & Improvement Manager Tel: (01865) 816384


Report by County Council Management Team (CA10).


Quarterly performance monitoring report against the Corporate Plan priorities - Quarter 1


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to note the report.



Cabinet considered the quarterly performance monitoring report against the Corporate Plan priorities for Quarter 1, 2012/13.


Councillor Alan Armitage, Deputy Opposition Leader, expressed his dissatisfaction with the report, highlighting the lack of a proper risk management report and suggesting that if it were too sensitive to be considered in public then it should not be referred to in the Forward Plan. He suggested that the wording of the report was not clear and designed to confuse and that in some respects the report was selective. He highlighted in relation to accidents that there was no mention of an increase in fatal and serious accidents to cyclists and an increase in accidents to children which he felt was worthy of mention if the report was intended to identify areas needing attention. He queried the comments in the report on the Customer Services Centre referring to problems he was aware of and to the personal experiences of Councillors.


Councillor Tilley suggested that the figures in relation to accidents and cyclists may not be as simple as it appeared and that the increase may be due to the increasing number of cyclists. 


Councillor Rose in moving to note the report commented that the report was a statistical information report which officers did their best to make interesting. Rick management was primarily managed through the audit process. The report captured risks but did not seek to deal with them. On road safety officers did look at cyclists and children but there was a need to be careful when dealing with small numbers. It was not always possible to infer a trend from changes up and down.


In relation to Customer Services councillor Rose stated that September had been one of the busiest months ever and he was aware of a number of issues around recruitment and training that were being addressed. Joanna Simons, Chief Executive added that there were a number of changes taking place around Customer Services and suggested that the Strategy & Partnership Scrutiny Committee consider the changes taking place, which would allow the space to consider detail.


RESOLVED:                        to note the report and to agree that the Senior Performance & Improvement Manager arrange for the Strategy & Partnership Scrutiny Committee to consider the changes taking place in Customer Services.