Issue - meetings

Oxford Spires Academy New Buildings and Alterations

Meeting: 16/10/2012 - Cabinet (Item 117)

117 Oxford Spires Academy New Buildings and Alterations pdf icon PDF 100 KB

Cabinet Member: Deputy Leader

Forward Plan Ref: 2012/041

Contact: Martin Tugwell, Deputy Director for Environment & Economy – Strategy & Infrastructure Planning Tel: (01865) 815513


Report by Director for Environment, Economy & Customer Services (CA13).



(The information contained in Appendix C to the Business case is exempt in that it falls within the following prescribed category:


3    –    information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)


It is considered that in this case the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, in that such disclosure would prejudice on-going negotiations and disadvantage the company concerned.)


Oxford Spires Academy opened in January 2011, replacing Oxford School. The project is to provide new and refurbished accommodation funded by a £7.808m capital grant the Education Funding Agency (EFA). 


The capital project follows the National Academy Framework process established by Partnership for Schools (PfS) now EFA and is similar to that followed by the Oxford Academy (formerly Peers School).  Under this process the Authority (OCC) are responsible for procurement of the works (excluding ICT which is procured by the Academy Trust) which it then leases to the Academy Trust by way of a Development Agreement, interim short term lease and ultimately a long term (125 year) lease.


Planning consent is due in early October, 2012 with EFA approval sought soon after this and formal Contract signing programmed for October, 26th, 2012; the Contract Sum is £6,433,777 which will be met from EFA funding, a separate contract for ICT will be let by CfBT Schools Trust. The date for the proposed opening of the new Academy buildings is proposed to be in phases from September 2013.


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to:


(a)       approve the Final Business Case

(b)       authorise that the contract be let and the development agreement be entered into subject to EFA approval and agreement on funding drawdown; and

(c)       approve the ‘passport’ of ICT funding to the Academy Trust in accordance with EFA processes


Additional documents:


(The information contained in Appendix C to the Business case is exempt in that it falls within the following prescribed category:


3    –    information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)


It is considered that in this case the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, in that such disclosure would prejudice on-going negotiations and disadvantage the company concerned.)


Oxford Spires Academy opened in January 2011, replacing Oxford School. The project is to provide new and refurbished accommodation funded by a £7.808m capital grant the Education Funding Agency (EFA). 


The capital project follows the National Academy Framework process established by Partnership for Schools (PfS) now EFA and is similar to that followed by the Oxford Academy (formerly Peers School).  Under this process the Authority (OCC) are responsible for procurement of the works (excluding ICT which is procured by the Academy Trust) which it then leases to the Academy Trust by way of a Development Agreement, interim short term lease and ultimately a long term (125 year) lease.


Planning consent is due in early October, 2012 with EFA approval sought soon after this and formal Contract signing programmed for October, 26th, 2012; the Contract Sum is £6,433,777 which will be met from EFA funding, a separate contract for ICT will be let by CfBT Schools Trust. The date for the proposed opening of the new Academy buildings is proposed to be in phases from September 2013.

RESOLVED:                        to:

(a)       approve the Final Business Case

(b)       authorise that the contract be let and the development agreement be entered into subject to EFA approval and agreement on funding drawdown; and

(c)        approve the ‘passport’ of ICT funding to the Academy Trust in accordance with EFA processes