Issue - meetings

Oxford Fairfax Avenue/Purcell Road Pedestrian/Cycle Link

Meeting: 22/03/2012 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport (Item 15)

15 Oxford, Fairfax Avenue/Purcell Road Pedestrian/Cycle Link pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Forward Plan Ref: 2012/019

Contact: Victoria Butterworth, Assistant Transport Planner Tel: (01865) 810414

11.35 am


Report by Deputy Director for Environment & Economy – Highways & Transport (CMDT7).



Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Transport considered a proposal to carry out physical works to upgrade and realign existing paths running through Marston recreation ground and south to Edgeway Road.


County Councillor Roy Darke supported the proposals which served a large part of Oxford and linked many parts of the City.  It was well used and of great benefit to the locality.  However, he recognised the concerns of residents in Purcell Road regarding impact of lighting and, whilst that was essential on this stretch, he felt perhaps something less intrusive could be considered to meet their concerns.


Professor Whelan supported the proposals and felt it imperative that decent lighting should be provided on the Purcell Road stretch to improve safety for users.


Michael Haines supported the call for lighting and had presented a petition to Downing Street on this issue.  The path was currently unsafe for users and the surface inadequate.


Geraint Jones a resident of Purcell Road was the nearest resident to the unlit stretch.  He supported proposals for resurfacing but felt that a 2.1 metre width as proposed would be inadequate for a right of way seeking classification as a bridleway and that 3 metres should be provided as a minimum. He had further concerns regarding lighting and the impact on adjacent properties.


Peter Haarer was also a resident of Purcell Road. As a cyclist he supported proposals to upgrade and improve the path. Endorsing the comments made by Geraint Jones regarding the impact of lighting on properties in Purcell Road he questioned the effectiveness of lighting on levels of safety and whether it would in fact improve things.  He and other residents would prefer no lighting along this stretch, expressing concerns regarding increased levels of noise late at night and a fundamental change of character for the path. 


Victoria Butterworth confirmed that no final decision had been taken regarding provision of lighting and although a number of options were still being considered it did not include installation of 5 metre columns.  She accepted that 2.1 metres was not the most optimum width but it would be adequate for shared use.  Lighting for the section through the recreation ground would go ahead when final approval had been given for the physical works.


Having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before him, the representations made to him and the further considerations set out above the Cabinet Member for Transport confirmed his decision as follows:


(a)          that subject to authorising the Deputy Director for Environment & Economy (Highways & Transport) in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport to approve an appropriate lighting scheme on that length of the path between Edgeway Road and the recreation ground to authorise the physical works to upgrade and realign both parts of FP74 and the city council path as shown in Annex 2 to the report CMDT7;


(b)                     to authorise officers to work with the city council to convert the city council path and the part of FP74 owned by the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 15