Issue - meetings

Appointments to Outside Bodies

Meeting: 24/11/2009 - Cabinet (Item 118)

118 Appointments to Outside Bodies pdf icon PDF 386 KB

Cabinet Member: Leader

Forward Plan Ref: 2009/108

Contact: Sue Whitehead, Committee Services Manager Tel: (01865) 810262


Report by the Assistant Head of Legal & Democratic Services (CA10)


The report details specific appointments requiring the formal approval of Cabinet, seeks endorsement of an advice note for members and reports on indemnity and insurance issues for members on outside bodies. It seeks approval to the arrangements for strategic partnership Cabinet Member appointments.


Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to:


(a)               agree the procedure for considering appointments to strategic partnerships as set out in the report;

(b)              agree specific appointments as set out in paragraph 4 above;

(c)               endorse the advice note for councillors serving on outside bodies for issuing to all members appointed to outside bodies; and,

(d)              delegate authority to the Monitoring Officer to put in place appropriate indemnity and insurance to enable members to undertake their functions.





Cabinet considered a report (CA10) detailing specific appointments requiring the formal approval of Cabinet; seeking endorsement of an advice note for members and reporting on indemnity and insurance issues for members on outside bodies. It sought approval to the arrangements for strategic partnership Cabinet Member appointments.


The Leader commented that he would be asking appropriate officers to draw up job descriptions in respect of Member Champions but that they would still allow flexibility to develop the role as needed.


RESOLVED:            to:


(a)               agree the procedure for considering appointments to strategic partnerships as set out in the report;

(b)              agree specific appointments as set out in the report and addenda;

(c)               endorse the advice note for councillors serving on outside bodies for issuing to all members appointed to outside bodies; and,

(d)              delegate authority to the Monitoring Officer to put in place appropriate indemnity and insurance to enable members to undertake their functions.