Issue - meetings

Performance Management: 1st Quarter Progress Report Against Priorities and Targets

Meeting: 20/10/2009 - Cabinet (Item 108)

108 Quarter 1 Performance Management: April - June 2009 pdf icon PDF 81 KB

Cabinet Member: Leader

Forward Plan Ref: 2009/074

Contact:  Alexandra Bailey, Corporate Performance and Review Manager Tel:

(01865) 816384


Report by County Council Management Team


The report shows the council's performance in the four key areas of: customer, projects, finance, and people. Progress against targets is shown by directorate, including a summary of what is going well, what needs to develop, and what requires attention. This is the performance report for Q1 2009/2010.


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to note this report.



Cabinet considered (CA10) the performance report for Q1 2009/10 covering the four key areas of customer, projects, finance and people.


Councillor Fooks felt the report was interesting but lacked detail. Highlighting a number of areas which needed attention such as appraisals, safeguarding children, high number of children permanently excluded and roads and footways she expressed particular concern regarding carbon dioxide emissions.


Councillor Robertson advised that the report contained a number of annual red targets which would not be reflected in Q1and referred to the tremendous amount of work going on to achieve a uniformed approach between County Directorates and develop a performance culture throughout the County Council. He moved the recommendations.


RESOLVED: to note the report