Issue - meetings

Changes to Parking Controls in Iffley Road, Oxford

Meeting: 01/09/2011 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport (Item 30)

Changes to Parking Controls in Iffley Road, Oxford

Forward Plan Ref: 2011/137

Contact: Martin Kraftl, Senior Transport Planner Tel: (01865) 815786


Report by Deputy Director for Environment & Economy – Highways & Transport (CMDT4).




Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Transport considered proposals to change on street parking controls on part of Iffley Road to allow a new stretch of on-carriageway cycle lane to be created and asked whether there was any scope to relax the proposed restriction.


Mr Kraftl advised that with regard to the length of road from the Plain to Circus Street the original proposal had been to impose no waiting at any time and a peak time loading ban.  However, concerns had been expressed about parking and bearing in mind that approximately 74% of cycle flows were between 8 am and 6.30 pm he suggested that it would be possible to bring the Plain to Circus Street section into line with the other sections – i.e. No Waiting 8 am - 6.30pm Monday-Saturday.  That would allow parking in the mornings, evenings and all day on Sunday.  The loading ban proposed for this section would be unaffected by this change and parking outside these hours would not be restricted to permit holders.


With regard to the section from James Street to Bullingdon Road at James Street, southbound cyclists had the option to turn left and use quieter parallel routes via Hurst Street or St Mary’s Road for their journey onwards.  The cycle lane therefore became slightly less important at that point.  The existing permit holder parking bays (approximately 11 spaces) and 1 hour bays (approximately 3 spaces) in this section could therefore be retained.  South of these bays there was a section of double-yellow lines, which the council had already agreed to convert to a single-yellow line to provide some additional parking 6.30 pm to 8 am Monday to Saturday and all day on Sunday.



Having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before him, the representations made to him and the issues set out above the Cabinet Member for Transport APPROVED the changes to the East Oxford Controlled Parking Zone Traffic Regulation Order as advertised and set out in Annex 1 to the report CMDT4 subject to the following amendments:


(a)               the length of proposed new double yellow lines between the Plain and Circus Street be amended to no waiting 8 am – 6.30 pm Monday-Saturday;


(b)               retention of the existing permit holder bays and 1 hour bays on the length of road from James Street to Bullingdon Road (in addition to the previously agreed conversion of the section of double yellow lines south of these bays to single yellow).