Issue - meetings

Independent Admission Appeals - Panel Member Arrangements

Meeting: 10/07/2012 - County Council (Item 191)

191 Independent Admission Appeals - Panel Member Arrangements pdf icon PDF 101 KB

Report by County Solicitor & Monitoring Officer (CC14).


Cabinet considered a report that reviewed the present panel members’ allowances and asked the Cabinet to make recommendations to the full Council to determine rates and arrangements for their payment.


Cabinet agreed to RECOMMEND the Council:


(a)       to approve, for school admission and exclusion appeal panel members, the same travel and subsistence allowances as are payable to members of the Council, subject to the same requirements as to the submission of claims and the supply of evidence except that the rate for the first 10,000 miles claimed for car travel be set at 40p per mile and not 35p per mile;


(b)       only in the case of loss of business to continue to pay £100 per day as the maximum amount payable to a school admission or exclusion appeal panel member for financial loss necessarily incurred as a result of attendance at an appeal panel hearing, subject to sufficient documentary evidence being produced to identify actual loss; and


(c)       that the revised allowances and rates be effective from 1 April 2011.


The Council had before them a report (CC14) which sought approval to travel and subsistence allowances for the panel members of Independent Admission Appeals.


RESOLVED:  (on a motion by Councillor Rose, seconded by Councillor Hudspeth and carried by 54 votes to 0):


(a)       to approve, for school admission and exclusion appeal panel members, the same travel and subsistence allowances as were payable to members of the Council, subject to the same requirements as to the submission of claims and the supply of evidence except that the rate for the first 10,000 miles claimed for car travel be set at 40p per mile and not 35p per mile;


(b)       that only in the case of loss of business to continue to pay £100 per day as the maximum amount payable to a school admission or exclusion appeal panel member for financial loss necessarily incurred as a result of attendance at an appeal panel hearing, subject to sufficient documentary evidence being produced to identify actual loss; and


(c)        that the revised allowances and rates be effective from 1 April 2011.

Meeting: 17/01/2012 - Cabinet (Item 13)

13 Independent Admission Appeals - Panel Member Arrangements pdf icon PDF 83 KB

Cabinet Member: Deputy Leader

Forward Plan Ref: 2011/086

Contact: Sue Whitehead, Committee Services Manager Tel: (01865) 810262


Report by County Solicitor & Monitoring Officer (CA 14).


To review the arrangements for Panel Members including expenses.


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to RECOMMEND the Council:


(a)               to approve, for school admission and exclusion appeal panel members, the same travel and subsistence allowances as are payable to members of the Council, subject to the same requirements as to the submission of claims and the supply of evidence except that the rate for the first 10,000 miles claimed for car travel be set at 40p per mile and not 35p per mile


(b)              to continue to pay £100 per day as the maximum amount payable to a school admission or exclusion appeal panel member for financial loss necessarily incurred as a result of attendance at an appeal panel hearing, subject to sufficient documentary evidence being produced to identify actual loss; and


(c)               that the revised allowances and rates be effective from 1 April 2011



Cabinet considered a report that reviewed the present panel members’ allowances and asked the Cabinet to make recommendations to the full Council to determine rates and arrangements for their payment.


The Leader emphasised that the statutory role was both voluntary and demanding and that he thought it appropriate to keep the existing rates.


RESOLVED:                        to RECOMMEND the Council:


(a)       to approve, for school admission and exclusion appeal panel members, the same travel and subsistence allowances as are payable to members of the Council, subject to the same requirements as to the submission of claims and the supply of evidence except that the rate for the first 10,000 miles claimed for car travel be set at 40p per mile and not 35p per mile;


(b)       to continue to pay £100 per day as the maximum amount payable to a school admission or exclusion appeal panel member for financial loss necessarily incurred as a result of attendance at an appeal panel hearing, subject to sufficient documentary evidence being produced to identify actual loss; and


(c)        that the revised allowances and rates be effective from 1 April 2011.