Issue - meetings

Foxcombe Road, Boars Hill - Reduction in Speed Limit

Meeting: 02/06/2011 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport (Item 22)

22 Foxcombe Road, Boars Hill - Reduction in Speed Limit pdf icon PDF 109 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2011/070

Contact: Mark Francis, Senior Traffic Technician Tel: (01235) 466118


Report by Deputy Director of Environment & Economy (Highways & Transport (CMDT5).



The Cabinet Member for Transport considered proposals for the introduction of a 40 mph speed limit on a 354 metre length of Foxcombe Road between two existing 40 mph limits.


Mr Stewart spoke in support of providing a consistent length of restricted road which would improve safety for car users, cyclists and wildlife and also suggested additional signing warning drivers of the potential conflict with animals crossing.


Maggie Rawcliffe felt that vehicle speed was the main cause of accidents on this stretch of road and restricting speed was crucial to improving safety.  The Parish Council had campaigned for a long time for this speed limit and thanked the County Council for its support.


Liz Lefevre referred to the risks currently experienced by local residents and car drivers. The current layout led to confusion for drivers and she had recorded 7 (2 injury) accidents where speed had been the major contributory factor.  24 properties also fed onto this stretch of road.  She also thanked the highway authority for its help and support.


Councillor Arash Fatemian expressed his support for the proposal and thanked the Directorate for Environment & Economy, particularly Laura Hutching for their work in progressing this proposal. The de-restriction of this stretch of road had had a negative effect with a number of accidents and many near misses.  He noted that of the 3 objections received none had been from local residents or indeed residents of Oxfordshire.


The Cabinet Member for Transport thanked the members of the public and the local member for their comments and asked officers to explore the possibility of providing additional signing as suggested by Mr Stewart.


Having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before him, the representations made to him and the further considerations set out above the Cabinet Member for Transport approved the introduction ofthe new 40 mph speed limit restriction on Foxcombe Road, Boars Hill as advertised.