Issue - meetings

Proposed Changes to Parking in Cheney Lane and Warneford Lane, Headington West CPZ, Oxford

Meeting: 02/06/2011 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport (Item 24)

24 Proposed Changes to Parking in Cheney Lane and Warneford Lane, Headington West CPZ, Oxford pdf icon PDF 768 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2011/036

Contact: David Tole, Team Leader Tel: (01865) 815942)


Report by Deputy Director of Environment & Economy (Highways & Transport (CMDT7).




The Cabinet Member for Transport considered proposals to remove parking restrictions in parts of Cheney Lane and Warneford Lane in Headington West CPZ.


Jayne Norris speaking on behalf of Portico Properties urged the Cabinet Member for Transport to confirm an earlier recommendation to include Cheney lane in the controlled parking zone area.   Restrictions would offer greater levels of enforcement and some control over student parking.  She considered it unlikely that if restrictions were imposed they would lead to displacement of vehicles to the Divinity Road area but felt that such a move could be of benefit to those residents. A restriction supported the aims of the Local Transport Plan leading to safer roads and a more sustainable environment.


Mr Tole advised that a decision not to impose controls on Cheney Lane had been taken when it had been expected that resident parking would be introduced in Divinity Road.  That would have been the preferred option. However, funding had been limited and the scheme had not gone ahead.  Divinity Road  residents were keen not to destabilise the current situation.  A possible option could be to introduce some residents parking at the end of Cheney Lane but again funding was limited.  He considered the best approach would be for the Cabinet Member for Transport to approve the recommendations as published in order to establish some form of control and hold further discussions to resolve the concerns of residents and the developer.


The Cabinet Member for Transport stated that he would not consider any proposal which might threaten to undermine the current situation for Divinity Road residents.  The County Council’s policy was not to amend existing or introduce CPZs.  However, he was not opposed to further discussions with the developer to see how this situation could be progressed to the mutual benefit of the County Council, residents and the developer.  


Having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before him, the representations made to him and the further considerations set out above the Cabinet Member for Transport approved the making of the amendments to The Oxfordshire County Council (Headington West) (Controlled Parking Zone and Waiting Restrictions) Consolidation Order 20** affecting Cheney Lane and Warneford Lane, as advertised the effect of which would be to retain the existing lengths of uncontrolled parking.