Issue - meetings

Day Opportunities for Older People

Meeting: 16/11/2010 - Cabinet (Item 127)

127 Day Opportunities for Older People pdf icon PDF 437 KB

Cabinet Member: Adult Services

Forward Plan Ref: 2010/178

Contact: Varsha Raja, Assistant Head of Services, Strategic Commissioning Tel: (01865) 323552


Report by Director of Social & Community Services (CA9).


This report sets out a proposed new strategic direction to move away from traditional day services for older people to a concept of offering a range of support and services on different days of the week in different venues that maximise independence and offer activities tailored to meet individuals’ needs.


Social & Community Services currently funds a range of day services for older people that are building based. These services are either delivered by internal staff or through directly provided services, or commissioned from voluntary and community organisations, or part funded through grants. A much wider range of occupational or activity opportunities are provided by voluntary agencies, community groups and special interest groups with no financial support from the County Council.


The current investment in day services is a total £3,214,000 with and additional £1,596,000 funding transport to enable people to access day services. 


The future of day services for older people is one of a number of key issues that has arisen from the roll out of self-directed support as part of the transformation of adult social care.


There is evidence both nationally and locally that new service users may decide to spend their budgets in other ways.  This report outlines a proposal to move from a more traditional approach of building based 9 to 5 ‘day care’ which once entered becomes a lifelong service to a concept of offering a range of support and services on different days of the week in different venues that maximise independence and offer activities tailored to meet individuals’ needs.


The changes in the main reflect a balance of building based services and flexible local provision that means that older people will not have to travel long distances to access services they need.


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to approve the implementation of the strategic commissioning framework to move to day opportunities for older people carers within Oxfordshire, as detailed in this report.


Councillor Jenny Hannaby, Shadow Cabinet Member for Adult Services supported the ideas set out in the new approach as outline din the report and looked forward to more detailed information. She referred to concerns around access to transport and this was vital to the success of the proposals.


The Cabinet Member for Adult Services referred to the extensive public engagement that had been undertaken and thanked all involved for the way in which it had been carried out.


RESOLVED:             to approve the implementation of the strategic commissioning framework to move to day opportunities for older people carers within Oxfordshire, as detailed in this report.