111 Format of County Council Meeting PDF 81 KB
Cabinet Member: Leader
Forward Plan Ref: 2010/161
Contact: Peter Clark, Head of Legal & Democratic Services Tel: (01865) 323907
Report by Head of Legal & Democratic Services (CA9).
n 2009, the County Council made several changes to the Constitution, including the introduction of themed debates at Council meetings. It was agreed that the changes be reviewed after twelve months. This report reviews the effectiveness of the changes, including the themed debates. It also suggests further changes, in the interests of efficiency, which Cabinet may wish to recommend to Council.
Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to consider the potential amendments to the constitution outlined in this report and to recommend Council to approve any changes agreed, including the cessation of themed debates and the proposal for ending meetings of full Council at 3.30 p.m.
Cabinet considered a report that reviewed the effectiveness of the changes, made to the format of Council meetings, including the themed debates.
Councillor Patrick, Opposition Leader expressed disappointment over the discontinuation of the themed debate but commented that although some had been good others had not and she was not surprised. She noted that the earlier end for meetings would mean less time for motions but agreed that the time could be used for briefings.
RESOLVED: to agree the amendments to the constitution outlined in the report and to RECOMMEND to Council to approve the changes including the cessation of themed debates and the proposal for ending meetings of full Council at 3.30 p.m.