Issue - meetings

Performance Management: 1st Quarter Progress Report Against Priorities and Targets

Meeting: 21/09/2010 - Cabinet (Item 101)

101 Performance Management: 1st Quarter Progress Report Against Priorities and Targets pdf icon PDF 56 KB

Cabinet Member: Deputy Leader

Forward Plan Ref: 2010/088

Contact: Alexandra Bailey, Corporate Performance & Review Manager Tel: (01865) 816384


Report by County Council Management Team (CA12).


This paper contains a report on Oxfordshire County Council’s Corporate Performance for the first quarter of 2010/11 (Q1). It consists of a progress report against our Corporate Balanced Scorecard and our Corporate Risk Register where performance and/or risks have been given a proposed RAG-rating of red, and in some cases amber (where performance is below expectation, where there are high risks involved, or where CCMT attention is otherwise required).  A one page summary of the Q1 performance against the Corporate Balanced Scorecard is attached at Appendix 1. 

Additional documents:


Cabinet considered a report (CA11) on Oxfordshire County Council’s Corporate Performance for the first quarter of 2010/11 (Q1).


Councillor Patrick, Leader of the Opposition expressed disappointment at the level of detail in the current report but thanked officers for providing the extra detail when she had requested it. She looked forward to the next report including more information.


The Deputy Leader replied that a performance management culture was being developed that would focus on fewer but meaningful targets. The Cabinet would receive the top level of information and he fully expected the next report to provide more information but not to return to the format of previous reports.


RESOLVED:                        to note the contents of the report.