Issue - meetings

Local Transport Plan 3 - September 2010

Meeting: 21/09/2010 - Cabinet (Item 100)

100 Local Transport Plan 3 - Draft Plan for Consultation pdf icon PDF 80 KB

Cabinet Member: Growth & Infrastructure

Forward Plan Ref: 2010/070

Contact: Joanne Fellows, Project Manager, Local Transport Plan Tel: (01865) 815546


Report by Head of Transport (CA9).


The purpose of this report is to seek approval to undertake public consultation on the draft third Local Transport Plan 2011 – 2030 (LTP3).


Oxfordshire County Council has a statutory requirement to produce a new Local Transport Plan (LTP) by April 2011.  This will be Oxfordshire's third Local Transport Plan (LTP3) and will cover the period from 2011 to 2030.  LTP3 will be a blueprint for all transport development across the county, not just the publicly funded elements. 


The background against which the Plan is being developed is changing fast.  It is important for the Plan to reflect the current economic climate whilst not losing sight of the longer term aspirations for Oxfordshire.  It is important that the County Council has an agreed LTP in order to facilitate the delivery of (and respond to) development and enable the delivery of priority transport schemes when funding becomes available.


The purpose of this report is to seek approval of the draft LTP3 in order to undertake public consultation, which we have a legal obligation to undertake during the development of the Plan.  The draft Plan builds on five previous rounds of stakeholder consultation and the previous approvals given by Cabinet over the last year.


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to approve the draft Local Transport Plan for consultation, noting the information contained in the draft SEA Environmental Report.





Additional documents:


Cabinet considered a report (CA9) that sought approval to undertake public consultation on the draft third Local Transport Plan 2011 – 2030 (LTP3).


The Cabinet Member for Growth & Infrastructure thanked everyone involved in the production of the draft Plan. He emphasised that it was a long tern strategy and that there was a need to be realistic about what was possible in the current financial climate.


Councillor Hudspeth responded to questions:


1.                      Asked  how the Plan would take account of changes to the way in which housing numbers were determined, Councillor Hudspeth indicated that the plan already took some account of the Local Development Framework and as numbers were confirmed these would be worked into the Plan.

2.                      Given limited funding the County would be very strong in their discussions with developer to ensure that the necessary infrastructure to support development was provided.

3.                      He explained the process for including the proposals that were being taken forward as set out on page 176 of the report. He stressed the long term nature of the Plan.


The Cabinet Member for Transport added that the Plan was a living document that would be changed and changed again to respond to current circumstances.


RESOLVED:                        to approve the draft Local Transport Plan for consultation, noting the information contained in the draft SEA Environmental Report.