42 Workforce Report and Staffing Data - Quarter 3 2024-25 PDF 280 KB
Cabinet Member: Corporate and Community Services
Forward Plan Ref: 2025/041
Contact: Cherie Cuthbertson, Director of HR and Cultural Change
Report by Executive Director of Resources and Section 151 Officer (CA14)
Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to note the report.
Additional documents:
Recommendation approved.
Cabinet had before it a report providing an overview of the progress towards delivering the Our People and Culture Strategy and a review of the workforce profile for October to December 2024 (Q3 2024/25) including the key workforce trends and other relevant management information and performance indicators.
Councillor Neil Fawcett, Cabinet Member for Community and Corporate Services, presented the report, highlighting that the new aspect of this quarterly report was the inclusion of more information about the implementation of the People and Culture Strategy. This strategy, which was two years old, was built around four themes: attract, grow, develop, and lead. It aimed to make Oxfordshire County Council an employer of choice. Councillor Fawcett commended the team for their significant achievements in moving this strategy forward, noting that almost all planned initiatives have been delivered.
The report also included statistics on various workforce trends. Key highlights included:
Members welcomed the reduction in working hours lost due to sickness, which decreased from 4.98% to 4.54%. This reduction was seen as an early indicator of employee well-being and satisfaction. They also highlighted improvements in workforce diversity, with an increase in the proportion of staff from ethnic minorities (from 9.44% to 11.3%) and staff with disabilities (from 6% to 8.7%).
Cabinet discussed the positive impact of the People and Culture Strategy and the importance of continuing to support staff development and well-being. The reduction in agency staff spending over the past 12 months was also highlighted as a significant achievement.
Councillor Fawcett moved and Councillor Leffman seconded the recommendations, and they were approved.
RESOLVED to note the report.