Cabinet Member: Children, Education and Young People’s Services & SEND Improvement
Forward Plan Ref: 2025/020
Contact: Jane Elvidge, Interim Manager – SEND Strategic Early Intervention Team (
Report by Director of Children’s Services (CA10).
The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to
a) Approve Oxfordshire County Council (“the Council”) continuing to fund 20 existing Enhanced Pathways to enable the Council to meet the increasing numbers and complexities of children and young people with Special Educational Needs in mainstream schools and to realise probable savings through this spend to save model.
b) Approve the Council to fund a further 20 Enhanced Pathways to double to reach of the project to enable the Council to offer a more equitable offer across the county to meet the increasing numbers and complexities of children and young people with Special Educational Needs in mainstream schools and to realise probable savings through this spend to save model.
c) Approve the Council’s budgetary commitment for a period of 3 years for each Enhanced Pathway (barring significant changes to central government funding of SEND during that period).
d) Commit to consider and review opportunities to upscale the Enhanced Pathways programme over the coming years in line with the impact evidence provided.
Additional documents:
Recommendations approved.